Aug 28, 2013

Three Days Grace (Number 17)

So this may sound weird, but when I made our little bucket list it hit me that Larry and I have never been to a concert together, at least not a regular, buy tickets, and go see them sort of concert. I thought that to be weird and since I know you don't get many chances to go out and stay out late once you have kids, it went onto the list. Well last weekend we got our chance to cross it off when we went to see Three Days Grace, which just so happens to be my absolute favorite band! They were playing at The Depot, which was awesome because they don't have the typical seating there, so you can stand or sit wherever. We sat at the back of the open floor (but in front of the bar/tables area so still near the front). The opening band was a band called Otherwise, they were okay. I would've liked their songs so much more if they hadn't been screaming through like 30% of them. They played one I recognized from the radio and I liked that one, but the rest I'd be nodding my head along to it then they'd start screaming and I'd lose interest. It made time for some GREAT people watching though. I told myself all the "weird" people there were there for the opening band, because when you see people with hair that matches their pants AND shoes you have to think you're not really part of THAT crowd...right?

We had this foursome group stand RIGHT next to us, which was annoying because there was plenty of room to go anywhere else, and I mean they were literally right there-I could smell one girl's hairspray and when she went to go cuddle with her guy and grab his arm she ended up rubbing up my leg by accident...why must people ignore the personal space bubble that shouldn't be invaded?

Anyways, once TDG started playing I forgot about that all, because they were AMAZING!!! I was able to scream/sing out every song they played, and luckily no one could hear me, and the place was so energetic and awesome. I had forgotten that they replaced the main singer a few months back so it was interesting to see the new guy, but he sounded just like the other one and they did awesome! The only thing is he kept sticking his tongue out like he was Ozzy Osbourne or something and kept wiping his hair so it was perfect, but when you're playing on stage, you really don't NEED to keep your hair perfect, it's going to get messy. Unfortunately, Larry and I are not used to being up late so we didn't stay throughout the whole thing, but I loved every second of what we did see there. It was a good night with my babe!

Here's just some pictures from the concert (oh yeah, the lighting was REALLY bad where we were so our picture kept turning out dark):

Aug 27, 2013

Our newest member

Say hello to Minnie, our newest member of our little family. I know, I know...another cat post, but I posted on the other two, I need one for her. We got her from Skyler and Jena last weekend after their kitty had kittens. Larry and I have always grown up around 3 cats so we figured why not add just one more? Trust me, we won't be adding any more while we have the three, though. She's been an awesome addition, she's FULL of energy. If she's not sleeping then she's running around and spazzing out. She is a mini Oscar and I swear he loves her. He still growls a little, but he has to watch her all the time and know where she is. If we lose sight of her we just have to find him and she's somewhere near. They already have their own little games they play. We absolutely love her so you can expect more pictures of her like the other ones ;)

Aug 21, 2013

Lake Blanche

So in our efforts to prepare more for King's Peak we did the Lake Blanche hike last weekend. The reason for my tardy post on this one is we've both been recuperating from this hike. It is TOUGH! I've done rough hikes before, but none where the trail just ends to a rock slide area at one point (top left picture of the first collage). I recall halfway turning around to Larry saying "are you sure you wanna go to the end still?" (mostly because he sounded like he was having a REALLY hard time breathing, but also because I wanted an excuse to stop haha). I'm actually really glad we kept going and made it to the end, it felt good to get to the top and see the beautiful scenery. We had a little picnic, lied down to just watch the clouds, and even got to see a moose on the way back! I got a couple pictures of it, but they didn't turn out excellent, the best one is top right of the second collage. We even made some friends along the way. There was this other couple going and at first they started out really fast so we let them pass us so we could take our time, then later we ended up passing them and then they had some weird deal where the guy would rest and the girl would catch up to us and then turn around to go get him...not really sure how it worked, but they made it up to the top too a few minutes after we did. We cheered each other on :)
The view was amazing at the top and it was kind of nice to get to the bottom and look back at what we had just done. I remember thinking as we got closer to the top that my breathing must sound ridiculous to people coming down and then as we were coming down there was this family with a young girl (maybe 10 or 11) who was just wheezing her little lungs out, poor girl, but I did make a point to let them know how close they were so she could be a little happy she wouldn't die for nothing haha.
This will be our last hike till we do King's Peak (partly because we don't have time to fit any helpful ones in until then and partly because we want to get back to 100%-my calves STILL kill me from this one). But the good news is we got a real backpack, a cool 3-lb/2 person tent, a first aid kit, a bunch of MRE's, some good hiking shoes (the ones I wore to these past two were NOT good ones and I ended up rolling my ankles a few times on this one), and some other little necessities. I can't WAIT for Kings Peak now :)
Should make for an interesting post when we come back...

Aug 12, 2013

Salamander Flats Trail

So to prepare for King's Peak (which we are doing at the end of this month) I decided we should be doing some other hikes around Utah to really remind us how it feels to hike and sweat and really push ourselves. We started that this weekend by going to Salamander Flats Trail. If you've never heard of Salamander Trail it's for a reason. You see, I did the planning for this ALL last minute, sort of. Originally I wanted to do Mt. Timpanogos trail as it was a bit more strenuous and longer and the elevation climb was bigger than what we should expect for King's Peak so I thought it would be perfect (according to this trails in Utah book we just got). The problem was because I planned it sort of last minute we still had laundry, grocery shopping, some cleaning, and dinner to cook so I felt we didn't have time to do Mt. Timp (online it said it could take up to 10 hours to complete and we only had a few hours). So when I went searching for other trails there was this one listed that said it only took 1.5 to 2.5 hours to complete. Well that sounded just perfect so we drove up, parked, and went searching for the trail, which had two directions, one was .5 miles and the other 1.5 miles. We started with the .5 and ended up no where so we turned around and went the 1.5 miles where we eventually came to some water but when we passed that we ended up at a parking section. There was really nothing to this hike, but at least it was a good starter one. It helped us see what we'll need to get before King's Peak (even though it was pretty easy, I definitely need better hiking shoes). All in all it was still a fun hike and we got to see some really pretty views (and Larry got the funniest dirt line on his legs even though he was wearing pants), but I'd probably recommend doing a different one if you're looking for a good hike. Looks like I'll be doing more research this week for our next hike.

Aug 3, 2013

Larry gets his birthday gift (Number 29)

So I FINALLY got around to taking Larry to a gun shop to find a new toy. I actually liked going to the store over going to a gun show. They were really nice and very helpful in giving us info on each gun and why some of them were good or better than others. Bonus is they told Larry to keep his receipt so that when they get their range open we can go shoot for free! I'm so excited that we finally both have weapons to protect us and to go shooting together with! I can't wait to go try them out.
As you can see he loves playing with his:

Of course, I can't deny I wasn't the same way when I got mine :)
Here they are together:
My Rugger on the left and his S&W on the right
Both 9MM
I'm really excited, because now we have more of a reason to go get our concealed carriers permits and then practice shooting them and then when we do Kings Peak at the end of the month we can take one of them and have our protection and feel more confident. Larry got a nice holster for his, we talked about finding one for mine, but I'm not going to put that at the top of the list BEFORE hiking. I also found a nice gun for carrying with me (because a 9MM is a bit too bulky for my purse). It was a S&W Bodyguard .380 that had a laser on it. I've become a bit of a gun nut, if you couldn't tell. I would like to get a vault/safe for obvious reasons so that'll be on our wish list for the future as well.

So let it be known world, don't come a messin' with the Bradsby's :)
But don't be afraid to visit either haha!

Aug 2, 2013

Wedding Day (Number 11)

So we FINALLY got our pictures back! I was worried for a minute, but to be clear it wasn't the photographer's fault, it was the mail's fault. They mailed out us two copies and we never got them so I finally just went and picked up a CD yesterday. I'm so happy with our wedding pictures! I'm also happy that all the photographers that helped us out with our photos did, having multiples is definitely not what we expected, but everything turned out great. I have WAY too many favorites to post so I'll just post as many of the important ones as I feel necessary:

No way I could've chosen just one

I loved that he teared up

I LOVED our venue, it was so pretty

Signing our license

Showing it off

Talking with my brother on Skype..
Was the only thing that made me cry.

We're so cute
and I LOVED my bouquet!

One of my favorites!

One of my favorites
I love this little girl!

Oh yeah!

Larry's mom's side

parents and grandparents

parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents.

Parents, siblings aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins!
Big group!

My dad's side

Grandma, me, and Mom

I love my mom!
Larry and his brothers

Cutting the beautiful cake!
That's right, I got him more than
He got me :)

My dad FINALLY showing me his
Break dance moves :)

The details:

So that's our wedding, in pictures. I posted a lot more on facebook though, more just cutesy/candid ones. I might post them here later.