Sep 14, 2010

Ramblings of discovery

So I read this magazine article earlier tonight that was supposed to "help you figure out the real 'you'" and it made me realize sometimes I have NO idea who the "real" me is. I don't know if it's just because I'm in my early 20s so I'm just not supposed to know yet or if I just took too long in some developmental stages so I'm just a tad behind...who knows. The thing is I remember being really young and seeing people who were my age now and I always thought they had their act together, I used to think people who were 22/23 were the coolest, they could drive, go out and meet up with friends, drink, vote, pretty much anything. I had a lot of pretty good influences in my life so it was easy to see the person I would have liked to grow up and be, but part of me feels maybe I should have reached that by now, why do I not feel like an adult?
I always thought when I had my first car I'd feel it, although that was a pretty awesome moment it wasn't as big of an "eye opener" as I expected, I didn't suddenly sit in the seat or sign the papers and realize I am now there! Or what about when I moved out on my own, lived with a boy...nope, just felt like I had a permanent sleep over and with a bonus because all my stuff was there for me to play with :)  Heck, even getting my first credit card didn't even feel like it was that big of a deal. I am glad it hasn't been intimidating or more than I can handle, but I definitely can't wait for the day I realize I am an adult, I have responsibilities, I OWN my own life!
But I also know it's not always about how you feel, it's you, it's how you react and act, it's how you take the ownership and accomplish your achievements. I believe it's about standing up for what you believe, not being afraid of it, embracing who you really are! Sometimes that's the problem though, how to I embrace it if I don't know what "it" is? I might be almost there, I know a little more about myself and how I feel and how I present myself each day. There are just so much more uncertainties that I'd like to know now, before I make too many mistakes or big, life altering decisions.
Sometimes I can contemplate these things for hours and I always wonder does anyone else feel this way? Am I the only one as clueless as I feel? I'm the QUEEN of awkward moments so I'm more than positive I've presented this uneasiness or being so unsure plenty of times in the real world, but I feel I'm the only one who has. I never really expect to get these answers, and they're more rhetorical questions than anything, but sometimes it'd be nice to know there are others out there as clueless as me :)

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