Dec 30, 2010

Our Christmas

Christmas this year was..beyond wonderful! I really got into it this year and wanted to make sure I got really good gifts for everyone, I think I did a pretty good job (although Larry did remind me of something he asked for months ago and I completely spaced, but just another thing to add to our list of new things to get still). I finally broke down and asked for a snuggie, and sad to admit it's amazing! ha ha.
Our Christmas day was planned so differently than how it played out I wish I would've slept in a little longer ;) We were going to get up, go to breakfast at my grandma's, then head to my mom's for our Christmas there, then come home to unpack, head to Larry's grandparents (for our usual ribs and poker fun) and then come home and do our private Christmas (I decided we'd wait to open our gifts to each other last because I wanted to make it last all day). What ended up happening is I set my alarm to 8 (I know, you're not supposed to set any alarms on Christmas, I just wanted to soak it all up as long as possible!). I got a text from my mom saying she had to take her poor dog to the vet because she ate turkey bones from our dinner at her house the night before. After finding out most of the family wasn't going to breakfast at my Grandma's Larry and I decided to just stay at our house and eat the breakfast being cooked there (Grandma-if you're reading this, sorry! I know it would have been awesome in your lovely new kitchen). Well my mom then informed me they were heading to Heber to pick up my brothers so we could have a full Christmas at her house, which I was a bit happy to hear because I wanted to see what all they got and be there when they opened our gifts, so we decided to stay in for a bit longer. So what was supposed to start at 9 started at 1 (ya see now why I wish we would've just slept in-Larry wasn't too pleased with me at that). But I'm glad we did end up waiting because we did our Christmas at my mom's then headed to my Grandma's and did that Christmas. It's so exciting to see everyone's face light up when they see what they're opening! I think I am to the point where I can appreciate that more than actually getting anything (am I actually growing up here??) It was fantastic! After all that fun stuff, we went back to my mom's to pack our stuff up and bring it home. It was really perfect timing because right after that we headed to Larry's grandparents. Even though they don't do quite the display as my family, I always enjoy going. His grandma got him a bat (they are now known as Louisville sluggers, but before it was Hillerich & Brasby-one of Larry's very very very old relatives), it was the coolest thing ever. Usually they just give him $20 cash so to see they got him something and something we could show our future possible children, it even has Larry's name engraved, it really was a great gift! We soon chowed down on some delicious ribs his uncles had cooked and then quickly started our poker game. We always play one fun hand with a lot of chips then a hand with real cash, I was about spent with the fun hand so I didn't feel like playing with the real cash one, but Larry has been practicing his poker skills night and day since we got back from Vegas, I wanted to be his sideline cheerleader ha ha. He played very well and was very intimidating, but ultimately his brother won all the money.
It was still a very fun night, I always look forward to these holidays where I can be around family. I have to admit I didn't wait until the end of the night to open our gifts, we opened some in the morning and then between my mom's and his grandparent's we opened the rest, but it was worth it to wait as long as possible! Now we get to clean the house and start our new years; I can feel in my gut that 2011 is going to be a great year for us, I'm so looking forward to starting it.

Some pics from our Christmas:
Before opening gifts-our lovely tree :)

Totally had to take the holiday picture!

Larry and Shawn opening gifts

Mom and Colby opening gifts

And Will opening gifts
The only thing missing would have been to have my brother, Andy, there. He is currently stationed in Hawaii serving our country, I miss him so much, but I know he's doing a great job where he is. Maybe next year we'll finally be all together again! Love you Andy!

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