Jan 23, 2011

Speedbumps and recovery

So I got some interesting news last week. Well, you see, Larry and I have been together a LOOONG time, we know this. We've been living together for about 4 years now, and we do know the fact that we live with our parents (in some form) is a bit odd at our age, or at least to others it seems to be. Last year around Christmas time I had been begging Larry to get us out of the house so we could move out on our own, with us it's a bit more difficult than just packing up and walking away, Larry co-signed on the house we live in with his dad (it was to help his dad because he couldn't get the home loan on his own) and Larry's been paying a generous amount to help him out, but I knew we were old enough to handle living on our own. After a  lot of talking we realized, since his dad is unemployed at the moment, it wouldn't really be nice to just walk away. So, as a compromise, we decided next year around the holidays (meaning this year) we'd talk to his dad and give him about 6 months notice to figure out a plan with the house, but to take Larry's name off of it and take it on his own at the very least, we planned on being out by April of 2012. This was unfortunate news to me, but I'm usually able to find the best out of situations handed to me so I figured that would give me a year to get my spending under control, make a budget and stick to it, and as my big plus I was going to plan a vacation for us to take in September to Six Flags and Sea World because I had never been to those and it might've been our last year we could go without having too much stress on saving up. I can't tell you how excited I became with this plan, I put the savings into my budget, I was finding stuff on the Internet to look forward to seeing, I was checking out hotels, driving routes, the whole thing. I was over joyed to be able to cross off a couple more vacation spots off my list of to-go-tos!

Then last week hit, and I found out Larry's dad being unemployed and no one else being able to chip in money for bills was hitting hard and it'd look like we'd be losing the house any month now. This was devastating, as much as I had been looking forward to moving out a couple months ago, I was not so excited to give up my vacation plans (not to mention I'm saving up my own money for those classes this summer so I don't have to add even more to my ever growing student loans and moving out now was going to put a big stop to that, which could throw off my whole year). Another down side for me is that I'm probably the biggest control freak ever, I'm pretty sure ANY Katherine Heigl role was written after me, I plan, prepare, and make lists of anything and everything I want to do. It's a joke among a friend of mine that I am a complete Monica (from Friends) when it comes to cleaning and organizing. I don't like going into the unknown, I can do it, I just really don't like to and feel very uncomfortable in the situation. Larry, on the other hand, is such a go-with-the-flow type, he just waits for things to come to him and he finds a way out of it, he's gotten lucky that way, and sometimes we do end up butting heads over things because of our different ways of taking on situations like this, but I just couldn't go into this without knowing what I was getting into first. It really hit hard that I had no control over this, looking at the options it wasn't pretty. I had no way to plan, we'd gotten to talking about dealing with a foreclosure and the reality of how that felt like failure was more than a punch to my gut. It was a bit of an emotional roller coaster to me, I had just trusted this to be taken care of, and now we were losing. But this being my greatest year, not allowing things to bring me down, and not allowing myself to throw pity parties, I figured I'm not just going to let myself wallow, I'm not going to feel beaten down, and I most certainly will find a way for us to get past this. So as of right now we haven't completely decided how we'll work it out, but we do know we are going to try and stick it out until May, that'll give me enough time to save up for school, it'll give us time to look at apartments, and buy all our necessities for our new place, and everyone has time to get out and find out where they will go next. Larry still has to talk to his dad, and possibly the bank, about what they can do with the least amount of damage and get all those details worked out, as well.

As much as this pushed our plans around, I'm actually really excited to go apartment hunting, I'm excited for our cats to be able to run around all day long instead of being locked in a small room while we're at work, I'm sadly excited for the bills (I've always associated bills with responsibility, and I'm one of those people who gets a high off of knowing things are paid and I was able to do it on my own). Plus I know of ALL the things that could've happened to throw us off, there could be worse! So keep fingers crossed we can get this all sorted out (and hopefully with tax refunds we can still do our trip in September) and I'll keep this posted on what happens :)

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