Apr 9, 2011

*~*Day 29*~*

My biggest pet peeve..what a good one for today!

So I have to say right now I have a zillion pet peeves, but I can guess all but one will go away in time. My biggest pet peeve is Utah Drivers! Oh my gosh these people have no idea what a freaking blinker is or how to use it. Has anyone seen Shoot 'Em Up? If not, there's a scene in that movie where he complains about people not using their blinker and while he's doing that he's following a guy who won't use his and ends up making the guy run into a parked car. I laugh so hard at this because in all reality if I could get away with it I'd do that to everyone I encountered on the road who didn't use one. Drives me UP. THE. WALL! It's a simple concept and it's just nice to use one and let people know you're cutting them off at the very least.

On a lighter note, this is my 50th post and though that may not be a huge deal to some, I'm really excited I made it to 50 before a years time. I plan on keeping this up and hopefully reaching 100 before I reach 1 year from today :)

Until Day 30 AKA The end of my challenge (and only a few days late ha ha)...

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