Jan 5, 2012

New Years pics

Since New Year's Eve technically began midnight on Saturday, I actually began it with my dad and his side of the family, they stopped by here on their way to drop my sister (their oldest), Ariel, at BYU-Idaho, so we went over, did our Christmas, went to dinner, and played cards till a little past midnight, it was awesome! Then we spent the night at mom's playing cards, eat, and drink a little. It was a fun night :)

Here are some pics:

Ariel and Makenzie playing the piano and singing

Playing "Mormon Bridge" which is nothing like Bridge

The guys were talking about shooting people, so Becky built a
card house. It was SWEET!

Ariel actually slept like this, I couldn't believe it!
That was the morning, then these are from that night:

Everyone watching "Bridesmaids"

The animals didn't make it to Midnight

Yeah, none of them made it.

Playing Hands N Feet, such a FUN game!
We definitely had fun ringing in the new year, and bonus! we got to talk to my brother at midnight, it was so nice hearing from him! LOVE new beginnings and spending time with family. I'm glad Larry goes with me :)

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