Jun 10, 2012

Bursting at the seams!

I believe my bonus mom, Tracy, put it best when she text me today saying something about jumping out of my skin with excitement (she calls me her bonus daughter and step-mom just has too ugly of a history to put to her, she's too cool for such a label!). Things are going so great it's just not even funny! We should be signing on our condo this Friday, I can't believe we're THIS close. I knew we loved it and really wanted it, but part of me expected it would somehow go wrong, just like the other places we liked, so I'm very shocked, excited, and a little nervous that this is really happening! I can't even begin to explain how much I can't wait to take pictures and post them up here. We just barely started packing today, but we got our books, movies, and that random misc. crap you can't ever seem to figure out where it should go all packed up, so I think we're doing good so far!
We also booked our reception/ceremony location today, which means we have an official date: June 15, 2013! Now, for anyone who doesn't know, I'm a number freak so of course this had to be a special date for us, and it is, I've had it picked pretty much since last October. The reason I picked this is our current anniversary is 10/15, my favorite number is 5, his is 3, if you multiply it's 15 (this is OUR lucky number, I know it's probably weird to have a couple favorite number, but it fits us!). Now 5*2 is 10 (our current month), 3*2 is 6 (our new anniversary month), that's how I got it, so, ta-da you now know how much of a freak I am! I'm happy though. Anyways, back to the center, we decided on Millennial Falls, it's so pretty, and big bonus: they do EVERYTHING! The cake, invitations, flowers, food, place settings, serving, just everything. The ONLY things we have to worry about is photographer, our "clothes", and an officiant. I love that this will be so much easier than trying to coordinate so many people into one place! We almost ran out of luck though, when they checked the date they said it was booked for the later time they have, but they still had morning open. I wasn't too happy with morning at first because that means we have to get ready uber early, but then I realized it'll be over and done with early and Larry and I can go off somewhere and just enjoy being married for a few hours! I like this idea, plus I'm a morning person, so it's not a huge deal to make sure I'm up on time. So in the end, I'm happy with it.
I am also loving the new job, it's so incredible to have a position like this, it's easy, I'm always busy, and the people I work with are so funny! I, of course, miss most of my Utah First co workers, but it's not like I never talk to them or anything.
So like I stated, things are going so great, and I sure hope they continue on this path. I still need good luck with finding a photographer and scheduling that stuff. Between Jena's and Skyler's wedding, my school this semester, moving, and now our wedding things get full so fast! I also wanted to do just regular family pictures of just Larry and me for the sake of having good pictures that aren't wedding related, but we'll see if I ever get a chance to do that :)
So until I find more to go on and on about (which lately, isn't too hard to do :P) it's time for this lady to go to bed!

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