Sep 9, 2013

Kings Peak Attempt

So it's been almost a whole two weeks since we've done Kings Peak and I won't lie, it's been hard to figure out what to say in this post. Here's a quick recap of our hike (because I know I can't post anything else till I do this one):

We didn't make it to the top, even though we were really excited at the thought of doing so, I had even pictured in my head poses we'd do and how we'd position the camera to get a shot of us both at the top. We made it about 5-6 miles up (thinking we were really only 3) before we turned around mostly because the rain was really scary up there (I think we might have gone too late in the year), but also because I hadn't prepared myself as well as I thought and the pack ended up being more than I could handle carrying (I hadn't done a single hike with a  pack before and I think that was the problem). The only wildlife we really saw was chipmunks and squirrels (oh and the occasional butterfly, if that counts), but we did run into a ranger that assured us a bear sighting up there is really rare.

For anyone interested, don't be scared of my experience, Kings peak is a gradual incline so if you're used to carrying packs than this one should be no problem for you. I felt bad making Larry turn around (because it was my neuroses that got the better of me with that thunder and lightning), but we talked to his brother about doing it next year with him and it sounds like that will be in the works. I just hope I can convince him to take a picture of them at the top for documentation purposes :)

I'm very sad we didn't make it, that I had to admit it was a little too hard for me. Even more sad that we were way farther then we thought, but didn't realize till we were already on our way back. We got back so sore and tired that we drove home and just passed out. It was good to see the kitties and nice bed again, though.

So that was our experience where the mountain beat me and I convinced Larry it was too much. Hopefully I have a better post of it next year. Oh and that I can get over my blah-ness of nature (that one really took it out of me).

Till next time...

1 comment:

Jeff and Traci said...

I think that's awesome! Don't feel bad about not making it to the top! Your FIRST time carrying a pack and you made it 6 miles up King's Peak! I think that is something to be proud of. :)