May 31, 2014

May Goals: Half check

Oh boy did I not do so well this month! I wish I could say I checked off my goals for the month, but I didn't really. The biggest part of that was because my biggest focus was visiting Mom! I really wanted to make that my main goal, but I didn't want to put it on here, so technically I accomplished what I wanted, but not what I said I would get done.

As far as workouts, I skipped/failed ten days, which out of 31 isn't so bad, but I'm really being lenient here. I am counting all the walking we did while we were gone (because we walked A LOT, to the point that my feet hurt at the end of each day and I played on the workout equipment at the park too!) so while that may not really count, I am saying it does. Also, since we've been back I haven't done any running or anything big, just abs, butts, and legs. It doesn't feel like I accomplished a lot and I have some serious making up to do next month.

Google Images, as always
I did absolutely NONE of the little craft projects or the fire kits either, not exactly sure why, but they are just going to be moving down to the next month's goals until I can get them done. I did get the house pretty cleaned before we left, which is new for me. I usually tidy or only clean halfway before I give up, so to do the whole house was quite an accomplishment. Unfortunately once we got back the mess just showed right back up so I'm back to cleaning it all up again, but that's what I'm dedicating this weekend to.

So, while I didn't do what I said I would I did do what I wanted this month, which is why I'm giving May a half check; it's not a total lie. Here's to a better June to wrap up the first half of the year in a better, healthier way!

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