Dec 31, 2019

Goal Check-In

So it's my annual "let's see how I did on my yearly goals" post...let's just get to it:
  • Potty train and move Cara into a toddler bed. We successfully moved Cara to a toddler bed before her 2nd birthday and we haven't had a single issue with it! Potty training - that's another story. She was definitely not ready (too early) for that so we're hoping to move that to next year - hopefully before preschool time.
  • Compliment Strangers. I didn't do so well with this one. I did it if I noticed something I liked, but I don't feel I paid attention too well.
  • Give Larry more "me" time. Didn't do well on this one either - boo! I was too scared to take both girls out on my own too often. It's only been the last few months that Cara has learned not to run away (although sometimes she tries in parking lots). I was so worried she'd run away and I'd have to either chase her and leave Gwen in a stroller alone, or stay with Gwen and try and catch up to Cara with a stroller. Luckily he gets nap time to himself every day.
  • Keep to my weekend plans. Nope - big fat F for this one too. I didn't bake, I didn't visit family like I'd like, I didn't do a service project, no spa weekend, nothing. I did clean more than usual, but not like I'd have liked.
  • Workout regularly (including Diastasis Recti workouts)Hey! One I succeeded on! Up until finding out I was pregnant again I was working out 3 times a week and doing my ab workouts every time too. It was great and I look forward to getting back into it again. 
  • Break my sugar habit. Up until the pregnancy I think I did good with this one. I hate to use the pregnancy as an excuse, but it really shook things up with the sickness. I had bad weeks, but I think I had more good weeks throughout the year.
  • Reach my savings goals. I did pretty good on this one too. I even have a plan for next year. I have two dedicated savings that have earned some nice interest, I'll be closing those at the end of the year mark and I'm going to open an IRA and just movie my savings into two savings so they can earn more interest. I have until February/March to get that going.
  • Update blog regularly. Oops! I failed on this one more than usual! I have so much catching up to do. I've actually started a new blog I'd like to do more with. We'll see if I can keep on top of it with 3 kids.
Here's to hoping I have a more successful 2020 (I have a ton of ambitious goals!), because I did not so well this year.

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