Nov 21, 2020

Gwen is 2!

Little Gwen Gwen is officially 2 and I can't believe it! She's grown so fast I almost don't even remember her as a baby. I remember she was my best sleeper and she was always so chill, but that's mostly it (unless I go read about her monthly updates I posted about).

Her Cinnamon Rolls for her birthday breakfast

For her birthday this year we went bowling at Fat Cats and it was a great time! I mean, I was busy with Lucy and keeping people entertained so I didn't get to see my girls bowl too much (even if it was their first time), but I'm told they had a great time with it!

After bowling we came home to open presents and eat cake and have a good time celebrating our middle girlie. After we mingled for a bit I went out Christmas shopping with Stace for a bit and Larry is the best hubby who worked on clean up so I could do that.

For my Gwen, my little blond haired adorable little girl. You are such a fun, amazing child! You are so smart and silly and even though you just like to sit back and just watch things, you are a force to be reckoned with. I know you will do great things when you are given a chance to lead and learn. I love how much you love stories and how much you like to run around. And even though it's still ear-piercingly loud I love when you get so wrapped up in playing that you scream out loud. And I love that you are still our greatest sleeper haha.

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