Dec 28, 2023

2023 Goals revisted

2023 is now done and I just LOVE looking back at my goals. I will say I had plans to check on them every few months to remind myself of what they were in case I had forgotten any, but the year kind of took off and I don't think I ever actually looked over my list. So, with that, let's see how I did:

  • Purge the house: Luckily I did get the closets done this year, but the basement still needs help. I'm not sure why this didn't get as done as it should have. It's my new one that's always on my list, it seems.
  • Read all the books: Done! I got this done quickly and I even started to read some of Larry's books since I ran out of mine close to Christmas and knew I couldn't just buy more when it's too close to the holidays. I'm also finding a lot to add to my list for reading next year (I've really found a love of reading this year)
  • Clear off my movies to watch list: A good chunk done. Not EVERYTHING, but enough that I can say I accomplished this goal. Most of the DVDs were Hallmark Christmas ones so I only had so many days I could watch them. But the DVD stacks are very small now and my lists on streaming have only grown from things I've added recently, but I did cross a lot off!
  • Start my coding learning again: I started this, but other things got in my way. I actually decided to start waking up early so I could do this, but, again, other things started to take priority during those early hours. I'm hoping to pick this up again, at some point. I'm not sure if that'll be this year or not.
  • Meal planning and organizing recipes: I have enjoyed my new meal planning method, writing down a chunk of recipes and how long they take and then just picking new ones once those are done have saved a lot of my sanity! The recipe organization hasn't happened as well as I had hoped. I have been going through my recipes to see what I wanted to keep to write down, and I'm still on that phase. I did buy a recipe keeper so I have a place for the recipes, but I do need to still write them down.
  • Cut down on waste: We did officially switch to block cheese (instead of individually wrapped slices). It's been an adjustment, but it's worked out well. We also have loved having the compost. We had to get TWO outdoor ones to empty the small indoor one into since we were eating SO much produce and it would be full almost daily. We're excited to get our garden stuff going next summer to use all of it. I'd still like to work more on this though.
  • Bring back 1:1 dates with the kids: this one we did, but it kind of faltered. I try and give the kids two 1:1 dates throughout the year (one during their birthday month and one a little later). I had to alter what we did for 1:1s though as it felt like what we'd do before would take up SO much time. Now we just take them out for a treat and call it good. It's been good though.
  • New budgeting: This one was good. I feel I did good with my savings and spending. I want to keep this a top priority because financial wellness is so important. Luckily, this one isn't hard for me to achieve, I've officially gotten to the point that it just comes natural to me.
  • Me Time nights and NFL learning: I did keep up with my "me time" nights. Puzzles were hit and miss, just depending on my mood, but I definitely kept with the skin care, working out, reading, bath, and movie nights. Game nights we stopped due to Larry starting school, but we plan to pick it back up once he's done. I didn't learn as much about NFL stuff, but still thoroughly enjoy watching the games!
  • Monthly challenges: this one I failed entirely. I wasn't sure I was even going to do them, but other things just took priority and I never got around to it. Maybe next year, maybe 2025, maybe just some day?
  • Celebrate and holiday traditions: I did okay with this. I always feel I could've done better. I figured out a new holidays, bucket list, and activities tracker I'd like to keep, but we'll see if it works. This one is just something I'm still playing with and trying to figure out.
  • Family Vacations: We definitely accomplished this! We did Legoland, Bear World, and a few little mini-getaways for long weekends this year. I absolutely loved this one and hope we can keep it up for all future years!
So I'd say I did fairly well. I think the theme of the year was just organizing, decluttering, and minimizing. I cleared a lot out, but I know I have more. I like having those items though, there's always ways to life cleaner and with less clutter so I hope this next year I'll be able to say I accomplished more of that stuff. I feel I'm ending the year on a successful note. 

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