Mar 12, 2011

*~*Day 11*~*

My least favorite chore around the house...

Okay, I really like to be in a clean house, but sometimes I just don't feel like cleaning at all, I try and save it for the weekends, but when I've skipped a weekend and then the next weekend there's twice as much it's not really fun to do. I think there are things about every house chore I hate doing, but I think my very top one would be vacuuming. I like vacuuming small areas, but our living room is pretty big, it's like two rooms put together so to vacuum that takes a lot of time and maneuvering of big objects! Plus I know if I vacuum I have to take a shower afterward because it builds a bit of a sweat, whereas if I just clean the bathroom or dust or Windex I'm usually good to go out afterwards like a normal person, but if I vacuum I know I'll be kept inside for a while so I better hope nothing comes up once I start!

I'm also not a huge fan of cleaning our shower, it's just a shower, no tub, but it sucks to clean the bottom and it hurts my legs to be crouched down so low for a while, so that'd be a close second disliked chore. Followed by dishes, that one is just too time consuming!

Other than that I like cleaning :) I don't have any pictures for this post, but I'm sure anyone can use their imagination for it.

Until Day 12...

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