Mar 6, 2011

*~*Day 6*~*

An animal I'd like to keep as a pet, another easy one. As much as I LOVE my cats and would love to have a dog, I'm assuming this is meaning something that may not be seen as a normal pet and mine would have to be a...

Bear! I absolutely love these animals. I always have. There's something that's adorably scary about them. I understand when you see them they can do a ton of damage, but really I'd love to see them in their natural habitat just to see them when they know no one is looking. I know that's pretty much impossible without risking my life, but they are awesome. Plus they are so territorial, I love that they are known for not messing with, especially the mama's with their cubs. People always compare themselves to "mama bear" so they are known to be protective of their own. I really don't know how it started that I liked these animals, probably a trip to the zoo or something, but that's my idea of a cool pet, no one would rob you or break into your house if you had a bear on the premises...just saying :)

My favorite bear encounter in my life, so far, was a family trip to Yellowstone, I didn't take any pictures from it, but I do have a boring 2 minute long video. When we went we stayed near this bear and wolf exhibit thing and it had live bears and wolves and originally we were told we could hide food for the bears and then the people bring the bears out and let them look for it, but turned out only little kids could do it and the times they did it weren't convenient for us, so we never really saw that, but when we went to watch them I found I could watch them for hours and not get bored. Plus every morning we woke up to the wolves howling and waking us up, there's no prettier sound to wake up to in this world, I feel. It was amazing!

I found some more cute pictures online of some others, tell me you don't find them a little cute, like you'd want to hug them! ha ha...

cutest little cub!

(my kitties sometime do this while we're sleeping so I had to add it)

Their backs are so strong, their paws so big, their fur..not so soft as I found out at Yellowstone, but still so pretty!

So yeah, a bear, that's my pet of choice if I could choose. Until Day 7...

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