May 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Whew! I have been thinking lately of when I'll have time to post on my blog and realized I could do it at work while I'm waiting to close up, and that's about it! Ha ha. Well really I could on the weekends, but so much has happened this past week (or since I last posted, whenever that was), I felt, that I wanted to update.

We got our dining set and I took pictures, but my phone is throwing a hissy fit actually emailing them to myself so I gotta wait till it's calmed down and then I can post them up. Apparently, however, it's a well kept secret that everyone but us knew that it takes a LOOONG time to actually put them together. It took us the better part of 2 days to get it done and set up. Then it took us another 2 days to actually clean up the mess it caused! Fun stuff, thanks for sharing everyone out there who knew but didn't tell us! ha ha

Also, I got to spend a lovely Saturday with my three favorite female family members: My momma, My grandma, and my aunt Cindy (who is the coolest aunt, just so y'all know!) and minus a little bout of self consciousness, it was a superb day! My grandma let us know she likes Lady Gaga and tried to sing her songs along with imitating Katy Perry (funniest one EVER by the way!), my mom let me go to Zupas (which I really try and stay away from, but it's one of those places that if anyone tells me it's okay to go to, I will!), and my aunt let me know I have old lady elbows! But we got ice cream and did some shopping so it was fun in the end :)

Last little point before my main point, I heard about this new exhibit at the zoo that was called Zoorasic Park, they were supposed to have dinosaur exhibits up and I thought that sounded cool, thinking that it was a few dinosaur bones here and there or just one specific spot for old Dino bones, but when else would I see them? So why not go? So Sunday morning we decided to invite Skyler and Jena (his brother and his girlfriend) to come with us and we all went, but I'll post on that later when those pictures also load up.

But anyways, the main point of this post was to say I have officially started my medical coding and billing classes! I went to talk to the counselor on Wednesday (the day after this post) like I had planned with him and he wasn't there so I had to call him and he told me to just start my classes and hopefully the instructors wouldn't mind, but if they did I could drop them and get my money back. I was a little frustrated because I could've come up with THAT conclusion, but whatever! The bad part, on my end, was that I was thinking I probably couldn't start them yet and had my alternate plan to graduate next year so I made a deal with Larry that if I did start them I'd work out with him every night after I got home Monday-Thursday, then Friday and Saturday would be my relax days and then Sunday would be our "event" days for the summer, so now I actually have to do that and we're only 3 days into it and it's kicking my butt, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Also, officially, my vacations really shouldn't be a problem, I've emailed both instructors I will have during my June vacation and one said as long as I get my work turned in on time it shouldn't be a problem, the other said if I missed too much I could just make it up when we went back to that section later, and since I'm already ahead of where I should be I'm excited to say they should go off without a hitch! So YAY little party for me :)

It's funny because I was waiting for so long to start these classes I thought I'd feel some sort of accomplished excitement with them, and while I do feel excited to have them started and finally see what they do, I just kind of feel like I'm still waiting for something, maybe my certificate? I'm not sure, but it will be interesting to see how I feel about it and where I'm at in a month! Here's to me finishing by the end of the year! This year is going to be AWESOME! Larry has drill this weekend so I'm going to see if my step dad will take me shooting (I've actually never been before) Sunday, so that'll be my fun experience this weekend!

Oh and we have an awesome Memorial Weekend trip planned for the following weekend so pics will come from that I'm sure, more fun on the ATVs!

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