Nov 29, 2011

So much happiness!

First off I wanted to start this post by saying I'm literally the luckiest girl in the world! I have the absolutely best man in my life! He is incredible. Let me say it isn't the easiest thing ever to be gone from him almost all the time. He gets up early for work while I sleep in (unless I decide to get up early to work out, which is almost never) then I get up to go to school and by the time I'm actually getting to work he's just about to get off work himself, then I'm at work so late and once I get home we have enough time to eat a quick dinner, watch one episode of whatever show we're on, then it's bedtime so we can start it all up again the next day. And since I've been juggling school and work together I've had to work as many Saturdays as they will allow so that I'm still getting full time hours (and benefits, I might add). Once Sunday comes around I'm usually so busy cleaning, doing laundry, finishing homework, visiting my family, or doing some shopping that we might get a few hours that day to hang out. Have I EVEN ONCE heard any complaints from him about not being around enough? Not a single one. Has he ever made me feel guilty for not being home more or staying with him on Sundays to hang out? Never! Has he ever made me feel bad that I don't cook dinner more or plan meals like I used to? No sirree. BUT, has he surprised me by making me dinner or coming home to a clean house? ALL THE FREAKING TIME! He hasn't held any of this against me in the slightest, he's been so flexible, helpful, and loving the entire time! Not to mention how much tougher it has to be considering he was just gone for a year and a half, we missed all that time together and now I'm adding more, and the best part is things aren't strained, we don't hate each other, we don't resent each other for what we do in our spare time, or anything like that. In fact, when I talk about when I have a test coming up that I'm nervous about or if I hate doing so much and not having time for fun things or anything like that he reminds me how great I've been doing and how I'm doing something for my future and it'll all be worth it soon enough, and he's always wishing me good luck on tests and praising me when I pass them. He's amazing! Everybody out there deserves a support system like this guy provides for me!

My second reason to be happy, I have learned today that in approximately 10 days I will be done with all my classes! EESH! I'm so excited, but so scared to be done. I have my big national test on the 17th of December and then after that I can start looking for a job and use that to get my externship hours. I am so nervous about starting this next adventure, I know it's something that was coming up, but 7 months ago, when I started the whole program, I was in a completely different situation. I never knew what to expect out of this and I had no idea how much I would enjoy doing this. I've learned so much and I've loved every minute of it, but it's completely different from what I've been doing that past few years so it's scary to stop everything I know at once. My reassurance is that I've gotten along with pretty much everyone in my classes, we always are helping each other and making each other laugh, so I'm sure I'll get along with whoever I end up working with in the future, but to think in a little over a month I'll be in, hopefully, my career, doing what I plan to do until I'm done working.

Right now things are so hectic and busy and a tad stressful, but I have a smile on my face every morning, and almost every night. I get excited to wake up and start another day. And the biggest bonus this week: December starts Thursday, so this weekend I'll be putting up our Christmas, and I get to start watching my Christmas movies and listen to the music (normally I start this much earlier, but I'm trying to withhold doing it too early this year).

I can't wait for the next year to start, if things go according to plan it will be the next best year and one of my last years in school all together :)

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