Nov 23, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Hello blogging world! Great to be back. I have yet to get my camera, so I don't have pictures right now, but this post isn't a picture post. Just like I predicted Thanksgiving certainly came faster than I really could have imagined, and seeing as how I have so much on my metaphorical plate right now, I thought I'd do my Thanksgiving post early. I have so very much to be thankful for this year, it's unreal:

  • First and foremost, my family! I love them so very much, I still say that I would never be the person I am today without any one of them in my life. Some new ones have come along and some others have passed along, but they will always be in my heart and will always be the reason I do right in this world. I love that I have such a big family, and it seems every year it grows a little bit, which makes me feel like the luckiest girl alive! I love you all and am so grateful to have you in my life in whatever way you are!
  • Second, friends. This year, most of all, has taught me the true value of friendship. I've made a few friends and they have come to mean the world to me. I see now that friendship is forever, with a true friend, you don't give up, you are there through thick and thin. I used to have a hard time with the word and meanings, but this year it's all changed, and even though it's still changing, it's coming to mean so much more to me.
  • Third, my motivation. This year I have proven to myself that if I want something then I need to go after it. No more excuses, no more procrastinating, no more anything! I put it all into my own hands and it has been really hard at some times and I have to put a lot to the side, but I know deep down that it's all going to be worth it, whenever the end may be for it all. I was able to make my vacations with Larry happen, I was able to basically do full time school and work, I was able to keep my relationships, and even though it all may not have been 100%, I did it and I have survived so far and I have LOVED every minute of it.
  • Lastly, school. I'm learning so much. I'm so happy I decided to make the choices I did this year. It's taught me so much, and I'm learning that I love learning. I'm approaching the end and it's amazing how much of a change I can feel in myself now that I'm getting closer to the end. Most people don't get the chance to go to school and continue their education, I feel so lucky that I get to and that I'm doing something with my future.
Really there's tons more to be thankful for, I could go on and on, but these are the biggest things for me this year. They influenced me in some sort in the greatest of ways this year. I'm supremely happy with where my life is right now and I really can't wait to see what 2012 brings to Larry and me!

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