Jan 9, 2013

Mr. Hard Worker!

So I have to take a moment and brag about Larry for a bit. So long (LONG) story short: Larry started working for RxAmerica almost 6 years ago (in March). I don't know how many years ago, but at one point CVS (the pharmacy) took over that company, but there's still some stuff they need to take over and so Larry's department went from like 12 people to 5 (or something like that) and for the past year/year and a half there has been much talk about when Larry (and the rest of his team) will be out of their jobs. The dates are always changing, I think originally it was only supposed to be up until last December and then it got pushed back a few months, and then a few more and so on. They've offered what's left of his team a nice severance package if they stay until the end so that's really what Larry's doing now. He could stay on with CVS, but we'd have to talk moving to Arizona. While I don't mind the idea of moving, Larry, so far, will have nothing to do with it.
So anyways, onto my good news, bragging rights part: Larry came home earlier this week and mentioned that his boss wanted to talk to him. Apparently, Larry is so important to the company and his position they had him sign this agreement that he'd stay on through the end of the year guaranteed, now for every so many weeks he worked (if he wasn't fired or the company didn't go out of business before then) he'd get an extra weeks worth of pay on top of his severance package (which he did the math on and found out it'd be an extra 13 weeks of pay). Now if they were to take over and he were to lose his job like next month or anything he'd be guaranteed 12 weeks of pay regardless of when they did shut his department down! He also mentioned that if it went into next January there's a good chance they'd have him sign another one for next year.
This basically means, with everything ,if the company were to go through the end of the year and then take over he'd be guaranteed pay that should last him through June of next year! We're really hoping he has a few more years left in this company (at least until after he gets schooling done), but it's good to know he'll get a SUPER nice paycheck at the end if it did only go through this year! Not to mention he'd have plenty of time to find a new job that he'd like and get the same pay for. I'm so proud of him for working his butt off! He got this job at 18 with almost no college (he hadn't graduated by the time he applied-he had only gone through a couple semesters at ITT) AND he became manager at 19 after only like 6 months there! Everyone else he works with has like 10+ years on him-he's always joking that he can't believe they hired an 18-year-old fresh out of high school for this job!

So I just had to say: WAY TO GO BABE!
He's such an awesome worker and provider for this (albeit, small) family! Love him to death!

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