Jan 31, 2013

Just What I Needed!

Oh man, let me say today is JUST what I needed! It's been a rough couple of weeks for me lately, starting with this post. I was stressing out over what the results from the ultrasound would end up being. I was angry over what my taxes were saying. Let's also not forget that feeling so unproductive at work is one of the worst feelings for me. I was just so unhappy and ready for that day to be over with. Thankfully my luck started to shift a little the next day and I was able to schedule the MRI for that afternoon. It wasn't the most fun I've ever had, especially having a full bladder and they seem to know JUST how to push on the wrong spots, but I knew it was necessary.

Everything after that seemed to make me so emotional, but to the extreme. If anything even a little sad happened I'd be bawling my eyes out, if a tiny bit of good news came my way I'd be so over-the-moon happy I'd tear up, if one little thing irritated me I'd get ridiculously angry with rage. It was draining to say the least. I wanted to blog about it to get it out of me, but I really didn't want to continue the negative posts back to back.

Then I finally made it to my dress fitting where I got good news: my dress fits me perfectly! The only thing they had to do was remove a few little things, add one small thing, and then add the bustle. No hemming, no taking it in, nothing. It was just what I needed! Things got a little more calm and happy and I started to feel like it would settle down. The good news continued when I found out on Tuesday that everything looks normal and I had no reason to worry about what was happening to me and it sounds like I shouldn't have problems having kids. That was a big relief, can't even begin to tell you! Later that night, however, the boom hit: I got a call from my mom saying there's a slight chance her and my stepdad will be moving to Tennessee. Now I'm a big momma's girl, I used to visit her every weekend when we lived close to her and then when we moved to Utah County I didn't get to see her quite that much and it was definitely an adjustment. I mean we went from each weekend to like once a month-and that was mostly just because of holidays. I didn't like it, but I was so happy to be in our own place I just figured I'd work on it a little more as time went on. Wednesday was frustrating because I didn't have my friends at work around me to talk about what was going on and how I could deal with it best. I had one I talked to and that helped, but I felt like I needed all of them to help me. After dealing with a SUPER stresfful work day, I figured it wasn't official yet and we could see what would happen and deal with it then. Today, however, she made it official that they will definitely be moving but she doesn't know when yet. I can't tell you how depressed I was-I don't like knowing now it won't even be once a month that I see her. I cried a million and a half times before lunch time. I guess I should mention I can be away from my parents, I don't have a problem with that, but I kept thinking "what about when I am pregnant? They won't be around to feel the baby move or kick. She won't be able to come to my ultrasounds and hear a heartbeat!" I don't like knowing my mom won't be around for all the new stuff.

As today went on, though, I realized this is SUCH a good opportunity for my step dad (they are moving because he's getting a promotion to his company's corporate office) and one I think he really deserves and could use! It's such an exciting adventure for both of them and, in all honesty, if Larry had to move to another state for his job, I wouldn't even second guess my decision to move with him! I realized I can go visit her as much as I need, flights aren't too expensive and driving would make a fun road trip with Larry, plus it gives me a chance to see more states. It's not the end of the world and in this day and age I can always share ultrasound pictures and heartbeat recordings (or ANY news even) with them through modern technology or take it all with me when I go visit or we can Skype and Facebook message each other. It's not ideal, but it'll be fine-I just hope they can at least wait to move till after June so they don't have to fly in a million times before the wedding! Fingers crossed on that one. This all may not sound worthy of the title but I got most my work friends back to talk to them about what was going on and there was also something else that made today really good, but I can't really say yet as it's not official (it's NOT pregnancy though!). Once I do know I can scream it from the top of a mountain! So here goes to trying to make the rest of this year great!

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