Jul 5, 2013

Honeymoon Recap (Number 34)

I know, I know. I'm super falling behind with all the wedding stuff. For one, I'm still waiting on getting my bridals so I can't post on those for a few more days. Our wedding pictures are finally online, but we're waiting till we get them in the mail as well so we can pick which we want to frame/post online, etc.
For now, I figured I'd recap the awesome honeymoon we went on. It was Ahhh-mazing! We left Utah as it was getting to be 90+ degrees, I assumed Hawaii would be the same, but we'd have a beach and a couple pools so it evens out.

So to start, here's what we learned from Vegas (both before and after Hawaii):
  • It's even hotter than Utah, so going outside is NOT an option when you have a guy whose natural body temperature seems to be 1000 degrees!
  • The largest souvenir shop is the most ghetto thing in the world and will make you miss being in Hawaii...or makes you want to get home faster.
  • Hotels DO NOT allow you to check in at 1 AM just because it's the next day.
  • When hotels say check in is at 3, they take their sweet time cleaning your room even though you've been up for 27 hours!
  • The rides on The Stratosphere are SO worth it!
  • Staying in the Stratosphere to ride those rides, aren't quite as worth it.
  • If you are going to stay in the Stratosphere, totally spring for the suite! It's cheaper than regular rooms at the nice hotels and you get a nice jetted tub that helps you relax from ANYTHING!
  • Jetted tubs are saweet! They will also make you want one in a future home ;)
  • XScream is the scariest ride in the world! The Big Shot is a pretty close second and Insanity is actually kind of relaxing as long as you don't focus on anything or look down.
  • Vegas ride operators are much nicer than Lagoon operators (they will let you wait till the next ride to ride front in a ride that you might end up regretting asking for)
  • Flying from Vegas is MUCH cheaper than from S.L.C.
  • When you have to wait to check in and are grumpy, hot, and exhausted, don't think it's a good idea to play Black Jack until you CAN check in, even though you've gone through all your "gambling" money you set aside. Read a book, play a game on a phone, or just nap in the lobby instead
  • Trying to nap in a car thinking it's safe because it's in a parking garage and not in the sun isn't a good idea either. It's still hot and stuffy and will make you more grumpy.
  • When the main stop of your honeymoon is an awesome place like Hawaii, let it be the last place you stay before going home. Instead of staying in a place like Vegas before AND after. It was fun to ride the rides, but made a bad bookend to our trip.
  • Buffets are actually expensive.
Here's what we learned from travel as a general topic:
  • I'm way too much of a control freak to fly it seems. I love road trips more and I think it's because I'm in control of everything in that case. Airports always seem to come up with something crazy to delay you
  • Four hour layovers are NOT fun even with a real restaurant and a laptop w/movies at your disposal. They are way too long when you just want to get to your hotel.
  • 6 hours plane rides are also not fun.
  • Traveling days are not fun, might need some medication for future ones.
  • If you book 4 flights somehow on one of them your seats will get moved from what you paid for and even wearing "Just Maui'd" shirts doesn't help your situation when you beg to sit next to your new husband!
  • Fruit is a meal according to Hawaiian Airlines...what?
  • You NEVER seem to get ID'd when getting alcoholic drinks in or flying to Hawaii (unlike in Vegas, where just standing next to a table will get you ID'd 3 different times).
  • Don't bring exercise clothes in a vacation. I don't care how much you love running, when you're not going to be in one place for more than 4 days you're not going running, stop kidding yourself and leave that extra room for real things-like souvenirs!

Here's what we got from Hawaii:
  • There were two beaches, both within a 2 minute walk from the hotel
  • People LOVE running over there! Each day, all day, there was at least one person running around. It kind of made me miss it, but we never really did any running.
  • There was the 70 Shops of Wailea within a 5 minute walk from our hotel. This was one of the best parts because it had 2 general stores where we could get some cheap food/snacks, it also had TONS of different souvenirs there that I'd go look through.
  • When you don't plan anything in a new place, 2 days feels like a week. Not in a bad way, like in a "we're really soaking this place up and getting as much out of it as we can" way. I absolutely loved that.
  • No matter how much you try, if you go in the ocean you will snort a TON of water when waves hit!
  • Baby birds CAN'T take the wind hitting them, they will even hide behind a flip flop to help themselves.
  • I feel bad for baby birds that hide behind my flip flop from the wind.
  • Larry doesn't, and will move them so we could get out of the heat and back into the cool room.
  • Regular birds are EVERYWHERE! In the airport, hotel diner, by the pools, just everywhere. You think it's cute and cool at first, then you just don't care.
  • Never leave anything on your tables, they clean them INCREDIBLY fast, even though it's not busy.
  • When people tell you Hawaii is expensive, they aren't exaggerating. Plan on spending $100 per person per activity. And that's low balling it!
  • Lizards can climb walls! And birds will totally eat off your own fingers! And flowers aren't nearly as beautiful anywhere else!
  • Going on a 2-mile hike in flip flops is doable, but not comfortable. You will need a supreme pedicure afterwards.
  • Bamboo grows in Hawaii! And really tall. So tall, in fact, that it blacks out your sky like it's night time. I wish I had gotten a picture of this because it's a memory that's burned into my mind and I hope to never lose that. Luckily I got a bit of video of it.

Overall it was an amazing trip. I almost can't wait to go back one day. Even though it felt like we were there a while, now that we're home I feel like we could've been there a couple more days. I'm definitely glad we chose Hawaii for our honeymoon. To see pics go to this post.

Oh and Happy 4th of July yesterday. We didn't really do much worth posting about (sleeping, dinner at mom's, and an early bed time, BOORING) so don't expect one of those. Hopefully next will be wedding pics and then we can all move on :)

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