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Can you see the exhaustion already kicking in yet?? Haha |
Compare/Contrast: Oh man the aches and pains this time!! I've developed PGP (pelvic girdle pain) this time around, which is saying my ligaments are loosening up and getting ready for birth (guess I never really went through that with Cara because I sure don't remember this). Basically the spots where my legs meet my body (on the inside - near the groin area) hurt pretty bad. It hurts to get out of bed, it hurts to get in the car, it can hurt to walk up stairs, and it can hurt to put clothes on. So if I have to stand on one leg I end up feeling this awful pain. Pregnancy can sure take a toll on your body huh? Glad I'm in my last month!
She's still pretty active, quite a bit more than I remember with Cara. I'm just barely starting to get some swelling in my legs. I only notice because I have a pretty big sock indent in my legs at the end of the day haha. I also think I'm starting to get some stretch marks on my left thigh...I really hope not though. I can see the marks, but I can't get close enough to see if they are stretch marks or something with my veins.
It's funny because ever since the time change I can see how there is going to be a big difference between my post partum with Cara and then with this one. It's dark by dinner time and, while I'm not scared of the dark, I do get a little anxious when night time comes and thinking of having a newborn at that time. I don't know how best to explain it, but it just feels...different. But I know we'll be able to figure it out. I'm just glad to have a very helpful partner in Larry that makes me feel better when I'm feeling anxious.
The funniest similarity with both babies is the pregnancies are ending in inductions...apparently I really am impatient (or just THAT much of a planner).
Best Moments This Month: Oh man is it nice to say I'm in the home stretch of this pregnancy! That's definitely a great moment to know.
Going to my 36 week appointment and finding out the placenta has moved so it's no longer too close to the cervix was pretty great. Little minion is definitely squished in there, but doesn't show too many signs of coming out anytime soon. She also has the chunkiest cheeks ever! I also got to make all the rest of my appointments so we have all of that scheduled for now. They did say I was dilated to a 1 and 60-70% effaced, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything. They also said she was 6 lbs 15 oz at that point, but I know they are usually of by about a pound there so she was probably just barely 6 lbs.
Then we got to my 37 week appointment, where I was suddenly measuring 6 weeks ahead (whoa!), so the midwife wanted me to get another ultrasound that week to check my fluid measurements. I went the next day and turns out she was measuring a full 40 weeks already (they measured her head, belly, and leg a few times and all came out to 40 weeks) and was now over 8 lbs!!
After that appointment I mentioned to Larry that I think I wanted to see if we could be done at my next appointment. He requested that if we did schedule to be induced either make it a Friday after his work or a Monday. So I went into my 38 week appointment with the request that we get induced on Monday (the 19th) so that I could use that last week as a good cleaning/packing/getting things ready week and then we could have another weekend to have a date night, get last minute things done, and just enjoy being a family of 3. Luckily the second I told that midwife I was feeling very achy and done she said "what do you think about being done on Monday?" I told her she read my mind and we got that scheduled! Unfortunately, it ended up getting moved to Tuesday (the 20th), but I like the idea of her being born on the 20th. It means all girls in our family (so far) have their birthday on an even number (I'm 18th, Cara is the 2nd, and Minion is the 20th...as long as she doesn't take too long to get here)
Really all of week 38 was great. I got the good news about being induced on Monday. Tuesday morning Cara woke up crying at 6:30 and part of me wanted to just ignore her until it was time to get her up while another part of me realized I should just go get her and call it an early morning. Then I realized she doesn't know it's morning so I just picked her up, rubbed her back, and put her back down and she actually went back to sleep for another hour! I've never done that before and it worked like a charm and I was so excited. Wednesday we decided to finally let Cara sleep with a blanket we got when we found out we were having a girl (with her) and I hadn't opened it yet so I felt bad so when I gave it to her and she loved it so much we decided it would be a good night time blanket and it has helped her sleep so much better at night! Thursday was when I got the call about moving my induction date, which wasn't great, but we were able to make it work and I had a feeling she would be born on the 20th anyways. Friday was Friday, it was our last work day (we decided to keep our leave starting on Monday still) so how can you complain about that? It was a great week.
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Doesn't she just look so comfortable?? |
Oh and our last family date night on the 17th to Wallaby's was a great night/day as well! Getting the massage at the pedicure place during Cara's nap was great and to follow it up with a yummy dinner was even better. It was our last weekend as a family of 3 and even though I'm feeling anxious about the big change coming (I don't do well with change), I'm very excited to see this girlie!!
What I'm Looking Forward To: The fact that December will be a recoup/Watch Christmas movies/get on a good schedule month and then I get to start getting back into the swing of things in January. So basically a fresh start of a new year mixed with getting used to having a new baby all at once. Might sound overwhelming, but I'm glad it's lining up together like that and I look forward to that time.
Obviously, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing this little girl!! We don't have any 3D ultrasound pics of her so we get to be more surprised than we were with Cara. I did get to see her face a couple of times on the ultrasounds I got towards the end, but all I could put together was she has the same nose as Cara and super chunky cheeks so I'm REALLY excited to see what she'll look like with just those in my head.
I also look forward to trying to handle two kids all on my own. Larry is only taking 2 weeks off for paternity leave when she's born (he'll take his other 2 weeks off in February when I go back to work to adjust to having the 2 on his own), so I'm hoping in January to take Cara and Minion out on my own to feel like a super mom (or get super stressed out...we'll see what ends up happening) haha.
******** So that's it. My last monthly update for this pregnancy. I wish I could say this one went by quickly, but it didn't feel like it. I feel like I've been pregnant for 2 years with no break in between. While this next phase is going to be a very big adventure for us (2 under 2!!) I'm so looking forward to getting into it and getting into a routine with the newest little addition to our family. I can't believe I'll be saying we're a family of 4 and I'm a mom to two kids pretty soon! Wish us luck with delivery and that she's as healthy as she's been so far. ********
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