Nov 17, 2018

Last Family Date Night

So just like we did before Cara made her grand appearance, I decided we needed to do one last family date night. Yes, we have a family date night each month anyways, but this one would be the weekend before we were going to have another member in our lives and since I wasn't sure when I'd feel comfortable going out with the new baby (in the height of flu season) I figured we should go somewhere that might be a little crowded rather than low-key.

They opened a new Wallaby's restaurant near us and I figured that would be perfect! We could try a new food place, get into the crowds, and get it all out of our system. Let me tell you, the food did not disappoint either!

AWFUL angle on me...but it was all I got to commemorate the night
Really the whole day today was good. We went to Costco to get some eggnog (they have the absolute best kind and we had run out) and some flannel sheets for our bed (I figured some new sheets with a new baby will feel good. Especially warm ones for the winter). I ended up finding a couple outlet "extenders" that give us more outlets to plug in all the new monitors we're going to need in our room (with alarm clocks, phones, etc.) and some socks for Larry (who really needs them). Then, during Cara's nap I went and got my pedicure I was in desperate need of. Getting the massage from the chair and the leg massage from the lady was amazing! I didn't realize how bad my back hurt and it was worth the "you having 1 or 2 babies?" questions and comments haha.

After Cara woke up we drove to visit Uncle Andy and Rachel for a bit. I think having a baby in their house was a little overwhelming for them, but overall it was fun to visit them once before this new baby comes. We headed straight to dinner after that visit and luckily the place wasn't TOO crowded for a Saturday night. Tons of families there too so we weren't disturbing too many date nights haha. We ended up getting the sampler with 3 meats, a 1/2 rack of ribs, 4 sides, and 3 rolls and it was so yummy and perfect for all 3 of us. Cara seemed to especially like the mac n cheese and the roll with the cinnamon sugar spread.

I did start to get a little emotional during the dinner realizing soon we'd have two kids and Cara would no longer be getting all of our attention. I've heard of so many people going through that and I honestly hadn't even felt an inkling of it before, in fact I didn't even really understand how you could feel that way when all I could focus on was how awesome it was that Cara would finally have a little playmate. But it hit me hard at dinner that she's been so used to both of us feeding her, changing her, reading to her, all of those things and soon we'd have to split that attention and I really really hope she can adjust well. I mean I'm still in that "gosh I love this child of mine so much I could just explode...could I really feel that all over again?". It's surprising how quickly these feelings can hit.

Luckily, I've been assured several times that all that is possible and all of it is completely justified and will go away/make sense after #2 is born and I honestly can't wait for that. Yes, I'm nervous for the newborn days and being exhausted, but I'm happy to see these two girlies become friends, even if they only love each other because they have to some days :)

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