Sep 30, 2024

September Activities

-Now that Larry and Cara have learned how to do Pokémon card battles, they have become an almost daily occurrence in our home. Cara will even do battles with Gwen at night (she's given Gwen a bunch of her cards to play with). It's really funny to listen to them battle each night

-Kids workshops (we still really love doing these and I don't see stopping soon). This time the Lowe's one had pumpkins they could color WITH the builder kit!

-We did peak into Halloween season by hitting up Spirit and Zurchers to check out costumes. It was our first time at this Zurchers and while they didn't have A TON of costumes (enough to look through, but obviously Spirit has them beat), they had a lot more fun decor!

-My company had a fun work party on the 17th at Thanksgiving Point. They included free food (that was yummy..for us parents), lawn games, a custom soda bar (the kids favorite), and cookies as big as your face. Unfortunately, this just happened to be the first VERY cold (and windy) day we've had this month and I totally forgot jackets for any of us. Luckily, I found out we still had towels so I grabbed those for us and they helped a tiny bit. It was nice to see old co-workers and catch up, but it was so cold we ended up leaving early. Next time I'll remember jackets and to take pictures!

-Minnie is officially scared of her reflection so we have to cover all surfaces in our bathroom.

-Spent as much time outdoors as the weather (and sunsets) would allow. Lots of walks around our block and being silly

-Gwen advanced to Level 2 in Gymnastics (she was nervous at first, but she loves it now)

-Lucy got Student of the Month award for September!

-Tried out new Family Park in Lehi, it's SO amazing! Splash pad was even on for us!

-Silly kiddo pics:

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