Oct 5, 2024

Halloween Town

A while back I saw an "ad" saying our city was having a "Halloween Town" event and wanting to soak up as much fun for the holidays I decided we HAD to go and I'm so glad we did! The girls decided last minute to throw together costumes (we haven't gotten costumes yet, but they found some items in dress up to make it look like they were dressed up) and it worked out because they got to kind of "trick or treat" there, each vendor had some candy and the city booth gave out bags for them to collect treats in (which I think was their favorite). They even set up a mini petting zoo to pet some animals (which is always a part I like).

The event ran from 11-2, which I'd usually avoid because that's basically all of nap time, but Pierce is in a kind of in between phase where he doesn't always nap during down time, and if he does it isn't the full time, so I figured we could see if we could get away with it, and I'm SO glad we're in this phase of life where we can do our down time, but if something comes up and we miss it, it isn't the end of the world.

The real best part of this was that it was at our really cool city playground and, because the kids were doing good without a nap, we decided to stay and let the kids play for a little bit. Unfortunately, it was a REALLY sunny day and we ended up staying a little too long we definitely got some sun, but it was worth it. Everyone had a good time and I found some good businesses we might use in the next year or two, so win for all!

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