Nov 10, 2012

*~* Black Friday *~*

Black Friday

So with Black Friday I never really got to do the fun shopping that's promised that day. In fact, it wasn't until I worked at Alert (back in 2007-2009) that I heard what that day really was, I just always thought it was the day after Thanksgiving. When I heard what amazing deals they had that day I had decided the next year I would definitely have to take the day off and take advantage of it. The next year I ended up HAVING to work because we were too busy for any of us to have it off (and I'm not one of those people that can stay up and go shopping till 3, sleep till 7 and then work at 8-I need a full night's sleep). I then decided okay next year I'm going to find a way, then I lost my job and had a new one at the credit union the week of Thanksgiving so I couldn't take a day off in my first week. So I, once again, made the choice that that was no more, I needed to see what Black Friday is all about and was determined that next year I'd put it on the calendar early on so that I could definitely have it off. Of course, the next Saturday after thinking that I found out that people were being trampled nearly to death during shopping, people were getting into big, serious fights and everyone just went completely nuts over the whole day. YIKES and No Thank You! Needless to say I've yet to actually go shopping, and this is the first year my work is actually giving me the day off, but I think I'll just stick to online deals because I really don't want to be trampled or bruised or hurt from shopping of all things! So reasons to be grateful for Black Friday:
  • It has taught me the value of my life :)
  • It gives me great deals online as well as in stores
  • And it helps my commute to anywhere because everyone just wants to go shopping at stores like Wal Mart or Smith's Marketplace so I know what places to avoid when going around that day!
I doubt I'll ever be in the mood to go shopping on Black Friday, but maybe when we have kids it'll be a different store (I sure hope not though!).

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