Nov 28, 2012

Our Own Bucket List

So not-so-newsflash for you guys (and sorry to those that this may shock a little): Larry and I are getting married. OH! I know-super surprise. That's not the shocking part though; the shocking part is that EVERYONE around us (and by us I, of course, mean mostly me) is having babies. So now that we're getting married (kind of) soon it's definitely been a topic in our home and I won't lie, I bring it up more than Larry probably wants to hear about it (haha!). We do consider our kitties to be like our babies so we're definitely content for a little bit, but one thing we do agree on is that we want to make sure we're as ready as can be. We don't want to rush into anything and then wish we had done something before having kids or that we didn't enjoy being young and carefree (because I'm just now learning that everytime my mom told me to enjoy being in school and without any responsibilities...she was right!). So we have created our own Pre-Pregnancy Bucket List! It's not things we HAVE to accomplish before having a baby, but we want to get as many as humanly possible crossed off at the very least. I'm leaving some out because they are more for us to know than the whole world, but this is what we have on it so far (and I've been adding a little every now and then so it'll probably still grow):

  1. Larry get his Bachelor's degree
  2. Get as much debt paid off as possible (*ahem* school loans!)
  3. Save [special amount here] in our accounts (sorry, not sharing the magic number)
  4. Go to a Halloween Party
  5. Go to New York
  6. Get Larry off his dad's house
  7. Have our condo fixed up a little bit
  8. Have a day to sleep at any point and for as long as we want (12/03/12)
  9. Jodi get Lasik (11/30/12)
  10. Finish the Sword of Truth books
  11. Get married
  12. Jodi run an 8 min. mile
  13. Go to Cedar Point together
  14. Ride the Kingda Ka (in Jersey-if it's still there!)
  15. Larry do the No Shave November challenge with his brother (Nov 2012-no pics so no blog post, but it was done)
  16. Jodi get her Associates
  17. Go to a concert together
  18. Go camping-just us
  19. Try scuba diving/snorkeling
  20. Go to Bear World in Yellowstone
  21. Go zip lining (anywhere)
  22. Hike and camp at King's Peak (highest point in Utah)
  23. Run a 5K together
  24. Get our Passports (01/20/12)
  25. Take our first vacation-just us (Aug 2011)
  26. Travel internationally (Feb 2012)
  27. Take a European Cruise
  28. Get into shape together
  29. Get a gun (one for each of us)
  30. Ride in a hot air balloon
  31. Take flight lessons/fly a plane
  32. Watch the clocks change time during Daylight Savings (for Spring and Fall)
  33. Hike Red Rock Canyon (near Vegas)
  34. Go on our honeymoon
  35. Go paintballing
  36. Go sky diving (if we're going to do this it'll be BEFORE having kids)
  37. Float in the Salt Lake
  38. Visit Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas
  39. Visit Hershey Pennsylvania
  40. Jodi finish her "HOME" block
I know, I know it seems SUPER ambitious, but some of them we've already done and some we can do more than one in a single day (like camping AND going to King's Peak or Zip Lining in Vegas AND go to Red Rock Canyon). You can see when we crossed it off and it has a link to the blog post for that one as we go through I'll get more crossed off :) . So any parents out there want to give us some advice on what to ADD to our list (NOT take away since I mentioned we don't have to do ALL of these before, just as many as possible) we'd really like to know what you miss afterwards and wished you had taken advantage of or done before.

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