Aug 28, 2011

We're Back (Number 25)

So we're officially back from our vacation and let me start by saying we had an absolute, fantabulous, blast! With only a few hitches on certain days, we sure didn't want to leave by the time we were done! I pretty much got to do a lot of the stuff I had planned and we had a TON planned to fill each day. I had so much fun and so many stories to tell I thought I'd save a post for each "section" of our trip so that I don't have just one long post about the whole thing. So here's the posts I had planned for the next few days:

The Friday/Saturday Blur
Six Flags Adventure
Hail Hollywood
Sea World Wonders
San Diego Zoo Quick Stop
Drive Home/Miscellaneous Pics

I took SO many pics and videos and I'll have to find some time and a way to load them all up so I can share them all, or at least most of them because I'm sure there'll be a lot of copies. I definitely can't wait for my chance to either go back or for Larry's and mine next vacation together :)

Right now I get to go have lunch with my brother, Andy, who is home for a few weeks from his time serving in Hawaii and Mongolia. I'm excited to finally see him and hang out with him!

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