
Mar 24, 2016

The Eagles

I find news sites to be pretty depressing, so imagine my surprise when a co-worker shared a great story she found about some bald eagles that were parenting at The White House. Even better, some bald eagle enthusiasts had put a camera by their nest to watch them while they raised their little babies...I'm in love!

My favorite point in the day is feeding time. It may sound morbid, especially from me, but it's so cute to see them so caring when it comes to their babies

 I know the image quality is pretty bad, it's a cell phone pic of a computer screen, but it still gives you a good idea of what's going on.

Watching these birds in as natural a habitat as you can get is really eye opening. Watching them take care of their babies, feeding them, protecting them, keeping them warm...but also making sure each other is taken care of. It's so fun to catch new things throughout the day.

The site to watch these amazing birds is I promise it's so worth it if you find animals even a little bit interesting.

Mar 19, 2016

New Home...Eventually

So we got our awesome news that they should be breaking ground next week on our home. I can't wait to get the call to have our pre-construction meeting! We'll finally get to put our down payment down and be done with any and all deposits/down payments and finally can focus on the home.

I spent the day with Andy at the zoo today and Cindy walking around the mall and Scheels with a couple of her girls so by the time I got home Larry decided it'd be fun if we spent the night walking to our lot. We knew it was close, but I wasn't sure it was "walking" distance close. But I was almost to my step goal by this point so I figure why not.

Turns out our house is VERY close. Total time walking there and back was about an hour and twenty minutes, and that's including walking our lot for a bit and snooping around the other Silverton that is being built right now (we just looked in the one freak out about any crazy criminals walking through your home).

I love how close it is, I love our lot location, I love that they have a ton being built right now so I can see what it looks like as it goes....I just can't wait for a dang hole to be in the ground already :)

That's all the house update I have for now...we're just trying to be as patient as possible.

Mar 9, 2016

In the Life of a Cat Owner

If all these weren't our cats to a T I don't know what is. I got a laugh out of them so I'm sharing here in case anyone out there wants to know what it's like to own a cat (or three):

This will be our fridge when we finally move

Every. Single. Time!

Mar 3, 2016

A Little Lesson in Love and Murder

Whoever said you can't have fun seeing a play is mistaken! Larry and I took a risk and went to see " A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" at Kingsbury Hall last night and I have to say it's made me want to see many more plays!

If you recall, we went to see a fun Christmas one a couple years back and we really liked it, but it was different than I expected a play to be. The Thanksgiving before that play I had been watching the parade on TV when they played a snippet of a play that seemed really interesting. I didn't remember the name of it, but when I saw the below picture this year I knew that was it!

I looked it up and text Larry to see if he'd be interested in going. He said since it was a "comedy musical" he'd be open to it. We made it fun by deciding to take Trax up to the event center...there are some weird people who ride Trax! I love how convenient that is though, it makes for good people watching too.

We were looking pretty good
As for the play, it started out a little slow. It worried me when we were there and people were laughing at the beginning. I was wondering if there was some sort of inside joke or if people had seen a movie/read a book version of it so they knew what to expect. I worried Larry would hate it already. Once they started killing people it became a lot more entertaining and funny, surprisingly. By the intermission Larry was telling me how he found it pretty interesting. He had the same thoughts I had, it was a slow start and we were both worried it would be more stupid than funny. By the end though we spent the rest of the night talking about which parts we liked and why. I was so glad he liked it, I know I REALLY liked it. Enough that I hope they come out with a movie version or a book version because I'd buy it in a second!

View from our seats...wasn't too bad

After that experience I definitely want to find more that we can do to make for fun date day/night ideas. I hope they have Wicked or Beauty and the Beast come this year, I've been wanting to see either of those for a while or. I do see Book of Mormon and Cinderella are coming so maybe I can go see one of those.