
Mar 19, 2016

New Home...Eventually

So we got our awesome news that they should be breaking ground next week on our home. I can't wait to get the call to have our pre-construction meeting! We'll finally get to put our down payment down and be done with any and all deposits/down payments and finally can focus on the home.

I spent the day with Andy at the zoo today and Cindy walking around the mall and Scheels with a couple of her girls so by the time I got home Larry decided it'd be fun if we spent the night walking to our lot. We knew it was close, but I wasn't sure it was "walking" distance close. But I was almost to my step goal by this point so I figure why not.

Turns out our house is VERY close. Total time walking there and back was about an hour and twenty minutes, and that's including walking our lot for a bit and snooping around the other Silverton that is being built right now (we just looked in the one freak out about any crazy criminals walking through your home).

I love how close it is, I love our lot location, I love that they have a ton being built right now so I can see what it looks like as it goes....I just can't wait for a dang hole to be in the ground already :)

That's all the house update I have for now...we're just trying to be as patient as possible.

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