Nov 5, 2012

*~* Simple Things *~*

Simple Things

There are a ton of simple things I could think of being grateful for! Some of the ones I can come up with now are:
  • The smell of the heater turning on the first time for winter.
  • The smell of freshly cut grass as soon as it's warm enough for it.
  • Seeing my kitties cuddling together on the bed.
  • Hearing Larry laugh at one of my jokes.
  • Being in a room with my whole family (either side) and seeing everyone talk and laugh together.
  • Thinking of our wedding and honeymoon and how happy I'll be once we're finally married.
  • Getting headbutts from Oscar (it's how he gives us loves) and hearing BG purr around us.
  • When Larry shows me he loves me in ANY way-he knows just how to make me feel so beautiful and special.
  • And running! It gives me such a high and makes me feel like I'm doing so well with my health. Plus it's the first time in my life that I love running and I really get to push myself with i,t which makes me feel even better about it!
These are just some of what I can think of now, but I think it's a good list to start off of and keep in mind.

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