Aug 11, 2014

Five Guys Whom I Find Attractive

So I'm going to take a twist on this one (I'm not choosing real guys, because I don't believe anyone but my husband should be on that list) so here goes with my 5 un-real guys:

  1. Arthur (from Inception) or Adam (from 50/50): both played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and both very attractive characters. I really like when he's all dressed up and clean cut as Arthur in Inception (not to mention how much I'm obsessed with the spinning room/fighting scene in that movie), but the emotional scenes from 50/50 get me every time! I don't think they could've gotten a better person to play either role....both movies just give me the chills when I watch them, probably because of him!
  2. Thomas Gabriel (from Live Free or Die Hard) or Nick (from A Perfect Getaway): These are both played by Timothy Olyphant (who I think would be my #1 actor, but some roles I just don't get) and I love them both. I really like how much he is such a bad guy as Thomas Gabriel, but how smart he is in Perfect Getaway is awesome. I also like (spoiler alert) how nervous he gets to propose to his girlfriend in that movie (I think the smart, manly, but sweet idea is so charming).
  3. Captain Malcolm Reynolds (from Firefly/Serenity): Played by Nathan Fillion. There isn't a single thing I could say I dislike about this character, while I don't necessarily find Nathan super attractive, I LOVE Mal! He's not afraid to tell someone what's what or be "the man". Granted, he has to be to be a captain of a ship, but he's awesome in just every way. When he makes you laugh sure doesn't hurt too. There's something to say about a guy with a good sense of humor!
  4. Spock (from Star Trek...duh, the new ones though): Played by Zachary Quinto. I know, this one is going to get me A TON of crap, but I LOVE Spock. I love how smart he is, how he can be a smart ass, he's so strong, he's just so awesome....very attractive to me. I struggle with why I could find him so attractive, but I do and I have to leave it at that (as a side note, I like him in American Horror Story season 1, but Spock makes it to my official list).
  5. Jacob Palmer (from Crazy Stupid Love): Played by Ryan Gosling. I know Ryan Gosling himself should just be on the list, but I really loved this character. I don't think I'll ever get over him and Emma Stone as on-screen lovers. When she bites his shoulder and he plays along while he's on the phone...adorable! When they are lying in bed together talking about all the crap he's bough off of QVC (or wherever they are talking about)...ah! I'm in love with them as a couple and his character is enough to sweep any woman off her feet.
Special shout outs: The Salvatore brothers (from Vampire Diaries)...just watch it :)

So there's my 5, yes they aren't real people, but I love the portrayal each actor brought to them. I would recommend each movie/TV show on this list, but if you can't watch them for some reason...I'm sorry. Hope you enjoyed it just the same.

Till next time...

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