Aug 2, 2014

My Five Pet Peeves

So I'm doing this one early in the day since I'm waiting for Larry to wake up so we can take Minnie to get her stitches out (from being "fixed"). So my five pet peeves would be:

  1. Blinkers is my number one pet peeve, it has been for a while and probably will be for forever. I HATE when people do not use blinkers properly or not at all. You don't turn your blinker on when you're already in the turn lane, you don't turn your blinker on when you're halfway into the lane you want to get into, you don't turn your blinker one once and then move over. People don't seem to understand it's a type of warning system to let people know your intentions, if you don't use it people have NO idea you're coming over or your about to turn left out of a parking area or anything. Start using them and using them correctly people!!
  2. The your, you're, their, there, and they're conundrum. I don't get how people can consistently use these words wrong! It's not that hard, once in a while is understandable, but every single time you write something? C'mon!
  3. People using the handicap stall in the bathroom when others are available and they aren't handicap. This happens at my work a lot and it drives me crazy when people do that. I will only use it if nothing else is available and I REALLY have to go to the bathroom. I just think it's a bit messed up to use that stall when you don't need it. I always hope that they come out and someone in a wheelchair is waiting and looking at them in that way.
  4. When people say words WAY wrong, like suppsebly, Illinois (WITH the s), stuff like that. Now I know I'm in Utah and we don't pronounce Mountains or Hunting correctly, but that's an accent thing and I wouldn't hold that against anyone, but some words there's just no excuse.
  5. Texting R for are and U for you and 2 for to/too...this kind of goes with #2. This one really irritates me. I used to do it a lot and then I stopped and when I go back and read my old messages I think it sounds just so uneducated and ridiculous, learn to type words out people!
I'm sure I'll think of better ones and end up altering this post, but those are my morning pet peeves...happy weekend everyone!

Till next time :)

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