Aug 1, 2014

My View On Mainstream Music

So, music is not something I would say I always enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I listen to it and have some favorite bands, but I'm a MUCH bigger movie person. Saying that I will say I get into moods where music just helps me get through the day, but my music of choice is more rock than mainstream. Most of the bands I like hardly play on those top 40-like channels (bands like Three Days Grace, Sick Puppies, Skillet, Theory of a Deadman, etc.) so I will usually listen to those channels in the car while I'm driving to work and back or if I'm running errands, but it's mostly for the commentary from the DJ's on the stations. If I'm cleaning, listening to music while I work, or on a long road trip I much prefer my bands.

So I won't say mainstream music sucks, but it's not really my thing. However, I feel I have a biased opinion since I hardly listen to music as it is and when I do it's hardly that kind of music (some bigger names I can't stand though). I guess that's my two cents, sorry the last two posts have been kind of lame, the pet peeves one should be a fun one haha.

Till next time...

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