Dec 25, 2024

Christmas 2024

Christmas this year was amazing! I think I'm finally feeling the holiday spirit the way I've always wanted to (or expected to once we had kids), so it's nice. This year, we were very busy for the last little while. 

The Sunday before Christmas we spent with Marie and Cindy, such good time with family (see more here). We ended up spending more time with them than I planned and I ended up behind on laundry (no working out or cleaning either), but it was worth it. 

Christmas Eve we went over for breakfast with Mom, Will, Andy, and Rachel. Larry had to work, so he stayed home, but I was glad to see family still. The kids were being stubborn and didn't want any of the food, so that was rough, but it was yummy to the rest of us. We still fun visiting and everyone loved their gifts. I then was able to squeeze in lunch with Don and Tracy (I dropped the kids off at home so it wasn't too chaotic and decided to introduce them to Village Baker). It was REALLY nice visiting with them, we laughed a lot and caught up on a lot. They brought gifts too, which was unexpected, but nice. This definitely filled up Christmas Eve, but visiting with so much family, felt like the way the holidays were supposed to be!

After coming home from all that family time, it was time to make cookies with the kids (snickerdoodles that I accidentally over mixed and messed up and some pre-made, just separate and bake, chocolate chip ones). We then ate dinner and played bingo for our Christmas Eve boxes (Gwen was so excited, she kept saying she "LOVES playing Bingo for our gifts"). Everyone got some clothes and a book of some sort and they were all very excited. 

We then did our usual driving around to look at decorations. Once we got home we did bath night and put the kids to bed. I had to finish cutting out the coupons for the year (can't believe I still had last minute stuff with how early I started this year!), so I did that while watching Christmas Vacation. Once we knew the kids were asleep, Larry and I put the gifts out and got the stockings set up on the couch. Larry wasn't feeling great so he took some Nyquil and passed out while I finished the coupons and movie (not going to lie, it was nice and relaxing).

As for today, our morning started at 7, because that when the girls were awake, Pierce was still SO out so I left him alone (it's not worth the huge tantrum of waking him up). Everyone was so excited about the presents under the tree, which, luckily, were already organized by person so that made it SO much easier. But, of course, we always start with the stockings, Pierce woke up right as we were finishing those, so it was good timing. We then ate breakfast, Larry did dishes, and then we opened the tree presents. I figured out letting the kids go first and trying to maintain their mess first is the best way to go. We let them finish, do sibling gifts, and start to play with what they got, while we did our gifts. I got lots of books, movies, and masks so all the things I love haha. Larry got clothes, books, and some other little things he had on his list. I tried to do a couple things he didn't have on his list, but thought he would like (he doesn't have a lot on his list and so I try to leave some of those for others who are shopping for him).

Mom and Will came by to bring their gifts for everyone, they brought SO much and the kids had a lot of fun. He got the kids a tonies box and some characters, which I'm really excited for (I've always wanted to get them one, but it's pricey so I just haven't yet). Now we have something we can get for other holidays/birthdays!

We spent the rest of the day cleaning all the gifts and wrappings up. I made sure to take things out of their boxes so that we didn't need to do that later. I also put things in the areas they go to and I think the kids played with everything they got at least once. I don't feel like anything was a waste or we couldn't use. Our activity closet is FILLED up, which was my ultimate goal with gifts (to help with school breaks). We also put on our last two Christmas movies we didn't watch (the Jim Carrey Grinch and Polar Express), while kids played with stuff. I also took mini breaks to update my budget, sit and scroll social media a little bit, and go visit with Minnie so she wasn't alone. It was nice to squeeze those calmer moments in too.

At End of the day we asked everyone if there was something they wanted and didn't get. Cara said Elf on the Shelf (oh boy!), Gwen and Lucy said nothing (they were happy with it all - yay!), Larry said he couldn't think of anything. When he asked me, I said absolutely nothing. I wasn't expecting anything gift wise, I just wanted to know it was a good Christmas for all and I had so much fun visiting with family this whole week.

So overall, we had such a fun day, but so exhausting. We didn't do our regular nap time, which might be a Christmas faux pas haha (naps are definitely needed when you get up early and are go, go, go all day), but everyone was definitely ready for bed time today, so it wasn't too bad. 

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