Dec 19, 2024

Christmas Programs

This year we had many fun Christmas/Winter/Holiday Programs. Cara had a specific 2nd grade on on the 9th that was about celebrating all over the world. Lucy came with me to that and kept singing Cara's song for days afterwards, haha. They'd sing a song and then someone would come up to a microphone to talk about the next area they were singing about. I had to sit too far back than I'd like, but it was very cute!

Unfortunately, Cara's face was blocked 
For most of the video (she's the santa hat one
Right behind the girl in the front row)

On the 18th I got the best birthday present. I got to go see Cara and Gwen's performances that were so sweet. Cara sang "Merry Christmas St. Nick by the Beach Boys. Gwen sang "I'm the Happiest Christmas Tree" by Nat King Cole. My mom came with me to Lucy's, which I wasn't aware was going to be a thing until last week, but I made sure to make time for it (I maybe hardly worked that day, but it's worth it). She sang the "Little Snowflake" by Super Simple Songs. All performances were SO stinking cute. Lucy said she happy cried when she saw we came to hers. 

Cara was SO animated for her performance

This smile was after she finally saw me :)

She was so happy during hers

Overall, I love going to these performances, I hope Larry will be able to go to them one year, but I took video to show them at dinner that night so we could all enjoy them.

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