
Oct 1, 2013

October Time

So I have to say I'm so excited for October this year, I'm not sure why-I've never really looked forward to it before (except when I was a kid and knew I was getting candy near the end of it haha), but I've just been really excited for it this year. I've been pinning so many crafts I want to make and I've "liked" this Crafts Corner Facebook Page-if you like crafts and haven't liked this page go like it. It's got so many fun, cheap, sometimes easy craft ideas for everything. I'm officially obsessed. Jena and I even, hopefully, have a craft night planned this month. I want to do a Fall and Halloween one so I can keep one up for a little while, even though I'm pretty sure here in Utah we've gotten rid of Fall and Spring all together (seems like we just shift from Summer to a long Winter each year).

I found this checklist (above) on Pinterest, and while I may not get it all done, I'd like to do a few of them. I want to make my own Apple Cider and make Carmel Apples (not sure why, but I've been pretty obsessed with carmel apples lately), of course I'm happy for the candy parts, I'm pretty sure I've got the biggest sweet tooth ever!

So excited for October! The rest of this year should be awesome! This month we have our cruise and Halloween, next month my sister, Ariel, is getting married and then I get to see my momma for Thanksgiving, and then December is Christmas and that's, easily, my favorite time of year! These next 3 months are going to R.O.C.K!! Happy Holidays :)

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