
Feb 15, 2019

Happy Love Day 2019

I've officially decided to call February 14th "Love Day" instead of Valentines. I still hate this day, but decided since it's about celebrating love in your life I'd really like the girls to know it as a happy day. We went to the dollar store a couple weekends ago and they had so many fun little treats (that were really impressive for being only $1) so I think in the future I'd like to get them little treat bags for this day. I'm not starting it now since Cara's still too young to understand and Gwen definitely doesn't get it, but maybe next year I can start this tradition? (I'm still trying to figure out how to celebrate without bringing more materialistic things into their lives..I don't want pointless junk in our homes and I don't want our kids to think that's the point of's such a tricky, fine line).

Anyways, back to our celebration this year. As usual, we did our usual baking plan. This year was homemade eggnog and eggnog cookies. I also turned on a love song station on our Amazon Show so we had music for the girls (yes I danced with them to a couple songs) and we just had fun together. It did get a little stressful, our nights are pretty busy once I get home from work, but we made it work. The eggnog turned out pretty decently, but seems to only be good early the next morning, but the cookies...oh man did I love the cookies! I'm not sure if it's something I'd make repeatedly, but they were definitely good enough to gobble.

I will say my love cup is very full these days! I absolutely love how awesome Larry has been supporting me with my anxieties I get in my postpartum healing time frame. He has helped me with some rough nights where I think I might lose my mind and is always helping me make sure I have my pump time so that I feel better about switching to bottles with Gwen. He has taken the girls with him to work out to give me some additional "me" time during the day (back when I was home for that) and lets me workout without them so I can really focus on what I'm doing. He really has been a great partner in our parenthood journey and is so dang sexy...he still makes me giddy and so happy that we have the love story that we do.

The girls...what can I say about them that I haven't already? They are the sweetest girls I know. They are so cute and happy and I could not have chosen better kids if I even had the chance. There are days that I literally gush about how lucky I feel to have them in my life. Having them as close together as I did can make people wonder why I would be so crazy, but it hasn't been as bad as I feared it might be. Cara is the absolute best big sister and daughter in the world and is always wanting to help us and loves to clean up after herself (mostly when we tell her it's time to clean up, but still, she's VERY helpful). She learns things so quickly and I can tell she's going to be like me where acknowledgement and praise is going to be what keeps her going. Gwen, well she's still so young, but she definitely loves her family. We ALL get such big smiles from her! She sleeps a lot and eats a lot and is such a cute chunker and looks good in EVERY outfit we put her in. I think she might be a more chill child once she gets to the mobile stage, but I think she'll also follow her sister with everything she does. Both of them together have the absolute sweetest bond already and I'm just the most excited person in the world to see how this evolves as they grow. Like I said, we're so very lucky to have these girls.

Of course I love the kitties too, they can drive me crazy when they fight, throw up, ignore the litter box, and wake me up in the middle of the night, but they complete our happy home. I love my family (parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles) and am so grateful to have them in our lives. This is definitely the best Love Day and I know it'll only get better from here!

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