Aug 25, 2024

That Time I Broke My Butt

So back on the first (Larry's first day of his new job too, funny enough), I made one of the dumbest decisions ever! Larry went out to feed the birds and Gwen came in wanting me to play with her. I figured I could play for a minute and she pretended to turn me into a robot.

**Backstory here: for Christmas we got the kids some slides to put on the stairs for a fun little indoor play idea. The kids play with them here and there, not too often, but when they do, they love them. This time around they put 2 slides on one second of stairs, to make one long slide**

As we were playing robot, she told me I had to go down the slide they set up. I thought it would be funny to go down the slide and instead of letting my feet stop me, I'd keep going. This is dumb already since the bottom is our laminate flooring (so nothing soft is there). The worst part is that I didn't realize they set up the bottom of the slide on the bottom stair, so NOT on the floor. So that means as I soared down about 8-10 stairs, I dropped the 6-8 inches straight down onto the floor from the bottom stair (instead of just a smooth transition, it was a D.R.O.P!). I felt immediate pain and then just laid down laughing at how stupid I was.

That was when Larry came back in and saw me just laying there laughing a little. Then I decided to move to get up and realized "oh no! I have done some actual damage!" and I started to cry. Like real, actual crying. I stayed down so the kids didn't see me. Larry kept asking me questions  (he didn't witness what I did, he just went out to feed the birds and came back to me on the ground so he didn't realize how bad it was). I kept telling him to leave me alone for a bit. 

As the day went on I found that EVERYTHING now hurt. Walking, bending over, sitting, standing, twisting, even pouring drinks from a full carton REALLY hurt. Like, everything! I realized I had done some damage and did some "Googling" to see if there was a way to know if I had broken my tail bone or just bruised it. Basically everything said it was just painful either way and there's nothing a doctor could do either way (just xray it to confirm and maybe give a prescription on pain medicine). I decided I wasn't going to pay for a dr visit just for a confirmation and, luckily, Larry found we had some Ibuprofen 800 left over from something, so I just decided to stick to that. 

I tell you, the last 3 weeks have been absolute misery. I've found going to the bathroom has been EXTREMELY hard. Finding a good way to sit and stand as I work has been hard. Driving around has been REALLY hard (the day it happened I had to take the kids to swimming lessons. Which was only in Lehi, about 20 minutes away, but that drive was absolute torture. Not to mention getting in and out of the car!). Oh my gosh, I've decided time travel must not exist, because if I could travel back to a time I'd have come back to this moment and stopped myself from doing this. 

I haven't been able to work out, clean the house, pick up the kids if they need it. Bathing the kids that first night was a definite no, so Larry graciously offered to do all of it. I cannot accurately portray how bad this injury has been.

I'm lucky that at this point I can finally work out and clean the house again (I did for the first time today and it felt great to get back at it. Plus it's nice to have a half clean house again). Bathroom stuff is much easier (still painful, but much more doable). Driving, standing, and walking are totally fine. I am still working on sitting though, that I still have to do leaned over. I can lay down on my back though (which is SO nice), but when I go to read, I have to be to the side or it ends up hurting too bad. The pain also gets worse as the day goes on, so by bedtime I'm done. But I can tell I'm improving and that's the best part.

So the moral: please protect your butt! It's linked to more things than you realize! Also, this has me really worried about my surgery in January and how that will effect bathroom stuff as well...eesh!

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