
Oct 2, 2010

My AHA! moment

So lately I've really been trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. For the absolute longest time I've been focused on what I want to be doing in the next 2 years, 5 years, etc.,which is nice, but I've never been motivated on the here and now aspects of my life. I've always had goals, but never immediate ones. It's always been about next month or next year or something along those lines. But this week I've been thinking "what about today? What can I do today to make those goals achievable?"
I should mention that a few years ago I decided to study Psychology, I find it to be an extremely fascinating topic and it's taught me a lot so far. The only problem with it is that to get anywhere in that field you need a much higher degree so that means a lot more schooling than I had originally anticipated. With that in mind, I have decided that to help me achieve my long term goal I need to start working on a plan to get me into a similar field.
I looked into the medical coding and billing requirements at my school and the classes look really easy and it shouldn't take very long, not as long as my degree will take, and it won't be as expensive. I've learned a little about what this entails and I'm very excited and eager to get started. I still have to save up some money and wait to get some generals done for my Psychology so that I don't have to redo them, but I'm hoping I'll be able to get this all done within a years time. So now that I've got a plan I just need some luck and a little patience :)

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