
Jan 5, 2011

Releasing our inner nerd!

Okay, so confession time, I (along with Larry) am a nerd! I'm sure Larry would agree he reached nerd-status a bit before me, but it's now my time to make it official. Why you may ask, 4 words: Legend of the Seeker!

This show is simply amazing! So let me start by saying, Larry picked this show out on one of our trips to FYE (our most awesome movie supply store) and mentioned that he had heard of it while he was in Arizona. He was introduced to a lot of things down there, most of them have been something I've been completely on board with, but I saw the cover to this show with absolutely no enthusiasm. I asked what it was about and he said something about some guy named as the Seeker who has "quests" to save the world. YAWN! I could not be less excited for something. So we went home that night and watched the first episode, not being too eager to begin with I went into it so narrow minded I found it to be cheesy, lame, and a complete laugh. I told him right then and there that there was no way I would finish this series, EVER! I won't say how, to save him from any embarrassment or anger or anything, but Larry ended up talking me into watching a few more episodes and if I didn't like it then I wouldn't be forced to watch it anymore. After episode 2 I was hooked! It's a total fantasy world, but I still loved watching it every single night with Larry.

The story to the show is basically Richard Cypher (Craig Horner) is a common man, but one day he learns of his "true destiny" from Zed (played EXQUISETLY by Bruce Spence), who is known in the beginning as "the old man who talks to his roosters," and Kahlan (Bridget Regan), the "Confessor." He finds out he was born the true Seeker, sent here to defeat Darken Rahl (Craig Parker) against a world of tyranny. It is based on "The Sword of Truth" novels by Terry Goodkind-which is an eleven book series. I haven't read the books, but I did get the first 3 for Larry for Christmas so hopefully he can tell me how close they are to the show. The show started in 2008, and, unfortunately, only made it to two seasons, though there are plent out there trying to save the seeker to bring it back on the air, I wish I could do something to bring it back myself. Each season is the next book in the series, so I'd love to see it played out. It's a world full of wizards (Zed turns out to be the wizard), Confessors (with one touch you would be their slave), Mord Siths (they have magic agiel to help "train" others into being their slaves), Banelings (those brought back from the dead to serve the keeper), and so much more. This world is amazing, they don't necessarily believe in a God or Devil, in Heaven or Hell. In their world they have a Creator, a Keeper and an underworld, where EVERYONE goes, whether good or bad...oh wow, I'm even more nerdy than I thought.

So for those looking for anything new, or happen to be D&D freaks, you might actually enjoy this as well. I really can't believe I fell for it myself, we just finished the second season, and I really hope they find a way to continue it for a third, it really is a pretty cool series! If you do want to learn more, click on the Legend of the Seeker link from the beginning (it's just to the IMDB page)

1 comment:

Lee McBride said...

I already knew you were a nerd. The cats were the give-away. You should read the books that the series is based on. They are touted as some of the best fantasy fiction written. Check your local library and if they don't have it my wife has the first two. I don't think she would notice them missing.
