
Jun 16, 2014

The Time We Did The Dirty Dash (Number 23)

Ignore the quality of the above pics.
They were from the finish line.
I stole them all from the site instead of buying them.

The slide part was probably my favorite
Despite what my sexy faces appear to be saying haha

The "We Dominated" pose!

The marks on my legs
Including the heinous bruise on my right knee
From biffing it on a jump. I swear they looked worse
In person.

So we accomplished doing our first Dirty Dash race on the 7th. We had so much fun I'd totally be willing to do it again, even though it really kicked my butt I'm just really glad they had water stands throughout. They start it off by making you run up a very muddy, slick hill so right off the bat your panting and wheezing. The obstacles are fun and definitely help you get your cardio in haha. I didn't realize how difficult mud pits were to get out of, don't read that as I didn't think they would be hard, just didn't realize how hard they would be.

Supposedly it took us about 90 minutes, but I'm pretty sure it started later than the 8:00 start time we signed up for and our finish pictures say 9:26 so I'm going to say about 75 minutes for us. We walked a lot of it because once I banged up my knee I couldn't run at all after that.

We were both pretty sore for the couple of days after the race, I guess I need to add more strength training to my workouts...or just start doing them haha. Even though it's not an official 5K I'm still counting it and checking it off our bucket list. I'm so glad my work gave us the opportunity to do this race. I recommend it to anyone out there! If you want more info go to their site here (I may have posted that before, but just in case). Happy Monday everyone!

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