Jun 30, 2014

June Recap

So I never did a half-way through the month recap here, things got pretty crazy and busy. I don't really feel like going over goals and what was accomplished or not, so I figured I'd just cover the highlights of the month:

  • We did our Dirty Dash mud run on the 7th. It was really fun and really kicked our butts, but you can read that post about that one.
  • The 14th we got to go to see Bill Burr at Wise Guys in West Valley. That night was really fun because the comedy club is really close to Hollywood Connections, which is where Larry and I used to go on our date nights in the beginning of our relationship. It also happens to be where we had our first jobs (both of us worked in the diner, but not at the same time). Going back to that place brought back so many fun memories and really started our night out right. We didn't play anything or do anything, we just got some ice cream (their A/C was out and it was sweltering) and then walked back over to the comedy club, but it was an amazing blast from the past. We even got to the comedy show early enough to get front row seating!

  • The 15th was our one year anniversary (the married years). The original plan was to take anniversary pictures, but that's been scrapped. Instead we thought it would be fun to go hike Donut Falls (I'm obsessed with hikes that end in waterfalls or lakes). I decided to see if Jena and Skyler wanted to come with us since they mentioned they liked to go on hikes. So we got to visit with them and Cailyn while doing Donut Falls, which was quick and easy. Then we drove over to Silver Lake and did the Twin Lakes hike. It wasn't much worse than Donut Falls, but it was a bit longer so we got a little winded at the top. The lake was pretty and had a nice breeze so it made up for how hot we got. Cailyn and the boys went to go throw rocks into the lake while us girls just sat and chatted a bit. It was a nice day, maybe not the ideal way to spend an anniversary, but we had a lot of fun still. Oh and since the first anniversary is paper I gave Larry one of those 52 reasons I love you on a deck of cards projects and Larry gave me a card that said we can get bikes this year!!! I'm pretty stoked to get them and go on more rides.
Yes there was snow up the mountain!

  • On the 20th we met up with some of my work friends and went to our first Strawberry Days down in Pleasant Grove. It was really fun, but we ended up making ourselves so sick. I'm pretty sure it'll be the last time we ever ride carnival rides. I didn't realize they were ALL twirling/twisting ones to make you dizzy. Once we got home I'm pretty sure we just passed out because the thought of trying to feel better sucked so bad for me.

  • The weekend of the 21st and 22nd I decided to stay in because I was so tired and wanted to relax (it was also our backup weekend for pictures that didn't happen). It was kind of nice though. I got to clear off some movies from our DVR and got to see a bunch of new ones (about once a month our cable provider gives us free movie weekends where we can record as many movies as our DVR can hold from Friday through Sunday so I usually record some I haven't seen or didn't want to pay to see). I also learned how to download Netflix onto our Wii so now we can watch those on the living room TV.
  • This past weekend (the 28th and 29th) we went to Wendover (lots of fun, but lots of money lost) and then went to the Air Show with Larry's mom (Marie) and Jena, Skyler, and Cailyn. It was pretty fun, I'm finding I can't handle really loud noises - I have really bad reactions to them which is new for me. But I think watching the (more quiet) planes do their aerial tricks where they fly up and then shut their engine off and twirl down was probably my favorite part. The guys that jump out of the planes were pretty cool, and as long as I had my ear plugs in the Thunderbirds was pretty cool too! It was REALLY hot and traffic wasn't fun, but I am so glad I got to go see one of the shows. Marie was telling us that I guess they haven't had funding to do the shows in a while so it was the first one in a long time and I'm glad I got the chance to see what the shows are all about (I'm pretty sure they are 50% entertainment and 50% recruitment there haha). 

So we had a fun June, a nice kick off to Summer. I can't believe we are through the first half of the year already! I have lots of fun plans for the rest of the summer, but I'll save that for the next post :)

I'm just going to end with a bunch of funny, cute and/or mostly random pictures (you know, the best for last). Be prepared for a lot:

From Donut Falls hike.
I'm a little obsessed with her.

The glass plaque my mom and Will got us for our Anniversary.

I keep finding the kitties sleeping in the weirdest poses lately.

An email to my aunt right after I met Larry.
We were so cheesy back then :)
I recently cleaned out my old emails and had to send this to Larry

See what I mean about the weird positions?

He's her favorite now that he's home most of the time.

Seriously, how cute is she?

Representing for my Momma (Ya know, cuz of Mississippi)
It was right near the BBQ stand too :)
We're so silly together :)
She was obsessed with wearing dad's hat and putting it on other people

Melts my heart when they play together.
We hardly get a picture of the three of them together
I take any and all opportunities to get some in.
BTW you can't see the piece of pizza Larry is holding in front of them
Which made this picture possible haha.

Larry started to do a Paint by Numbers thing
Watching him concentrate so hard on it was too picture-worthy
Especially with Baby Girl wanting to help him haha.

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