
Jan 2, 2016

Happy 2016

New Year's Eve / New Year's Day is always a good time for me. It's a time I reflect on the previous year and see what sort of things I'd like to do for the year coming up. This year we knew we'd be staying in, I made plans ahead of time to get some pizza and some root beers (well Larry got his usual drink, but since I still prefer not drinking I thought this would be fun). We got some new games for Christmas (which is good because Larry packed all our old ones up) so we had a few to try out. We also watched the ball drop and got in our pj's early. It was a nice relaxer night.

Unfortunately Larry and I both caught some stupid cold/flu sickness thing so we both have been battling that together. Yesterday and earlier today have been the worst of it for me. It started as a stupid dry throat/cough thing and turned into body aches, sneezing, stuffy nose, throwing up, and exhaustion. I've been bed ridden this whole time (so please excuse any sort of grammatical errors on this post).

My Chanandler Bong pj's are my new favorites

I did go out for lunch with Stacey yesterday and it felt like I got worse afterwards so today has been a "stay indoors, no excuses" sort of day. But lunch was still worth it!

As far as resolutions go, I'm sticking with my usual: Stay healthy, cross off items on our bucket list, exercise more, etc. I think I'm going to add to keep busy (not including Netflix binges). I want to make more memories this year since we won't be doing a vacation, most likely, since we're saving up for the house. But that doesn't mean we can't do little things here and there throughout the year.

Cheers to 2016 and all it's potential excitement! Happy New Year to everyone out there!

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