
Jul 29, 2017

Our First {Real} Garden

So one day on one of our many Home Depot runs (it's become my favorite thing to go walk the garden section on weekends lately) Larry got the idea of trying to grow some watermelon. We weren't sure it would even take so we just got one pot, some soil, and the seeds just to see.

Well turns out he's got quite the green thumb and watermelon leaves started popping up fast. Before we knew how quickly more would show up we ended up making another run and got one of those 4X4 cedar box kits for raised garden beds, soil, and some carrot, cucumber, and lettuce seeds (which we got with Larry's gift card he got for Father's Day) to grow some veggies as well. Those started sprouting quickly so we decided to get another box and soil to transport the watermelon leaves to the new box. They looked a little sad at first, but after getting watered they looked a little better and we got those going again.

After a few days

After a few weeks!

I'm so happy to see how quickly things are growing and how good they look so far. I can't wait till they are grown well enough to pick them. I take Cara out every few mornings to check them out. She obviously has no idea what they are, but I'm excited for her to try them one day and to know we grew them all ourselves!

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