
Aug 2, 2017

Cara is THREE Months

I am THREE months old!

I like: When my parents play with my feet, going for "walks" around the house with mom (before she went back to work), having "conversations" with daddy (mommy loves those as well), being held in a standing or sitting position (she barely needs neck support anymore), when mom and dad make vowel sounds, zebras (it's probably too early for a favorite animal, but she lights up every time she sees ANY zebra), anything that is yellow, pretending to read Daddy's funny shirts, and grabbing toys on my activity mat.
I really like chill during nap time
I dislike: The nose sucker once mom gets a booger (if there's nothing in there she doesn't care about it haha), tummy time that isn't on the boppy pillow, and being hungry (like at all! Haha), taking long naps (apparently!)
I am now: We didn't have a 3 month dr appointment and I forgot to do an unofficial weight and height check in time. All that aside, Cara is now in strictly 3 month clothes (no 0-3 months for this girl) and size 1 diapers (but closing in onto size 2 now). She's getting so big and is at such a fun stage right now.

Almost big enough for the walker

I really like the zebra on my swing

A Typical Day looks like: Cara will wake up between 7:30 and 8:30 (depending on how much we fed her at her last nightly feeding), we'll feed/burp/change/play with her for about an hour and a half and then she'll take a nap. Some days that's a 2 hour nap, but more often than not she'll make it an hour. If she wakes up after 2 hours she'll eat/burp/change/play for another hour and a half and it starts that way until around 4 (if she doesn't wake up after 2 hours it's kind of a guessing game with her at that point). We get back from our walk to the mail box at that point so even if she's tired she'll fight taking a nap until around 5 or 6 and then take a little 30 minute cat nap. Then we start getting ready for bed around 7:30. She'll fall asleep around 8 and we will watch a movie in the bedroom with her in the bassinet. Sundays and Wednesdays she gets a big bath and then the other nights she just gets wiped down baths before bed. She seems to not mind bathtime anymore either so that makes it fun.
This Month I: started grabbing at toys if my hand just happens to fall near it, I have started to giggle, said goodbye to mom as she returned to work (sad face!!), and am doing SO good keeping my head up during tummy time, although if you lay me flat I will just bury my face in the mat and cry (which is the least fun thing ever haha). I do good with standing and sitting upright and love to give smiles all the time, even if I'm around new people! I also went on my first hike with my parents (see this post for that

Her First 4th of July...she seems concerned
By what's going on in the fish tank Haha

Rolls for days...but that smile melts me
Parent's Notes: Leaving Cara to go to work was hard, but Larry has been amazing so far at making sure she gets enough play time and nap time while still working (although I'm getting extreme mommy guilt for having him split his time even though we knew that was how it was going to be). We both look forward to when Cara is a little older and will play with toys or sit up on her own (I think that'll be a little easier). I actually look forward to when she's more mobile (I know I may regret saying that when the time comes though) and we can put her in an activity chair or her walker (or something so she can move, but not get into too much trouble).

Mommy and me nap time...Doesn't happen
Too often, but it was nice still.
Our First Family Hike

Update on last month's goals:
  • I have done good with either working out 3 days a week or my two days and then we do some sort of physical activity on Saturday. I don't wear the belly binder anymore
  • We did work on Sensations a little with feeling and smelling (she seems intrigued with both so far), tummy time we've upped and she's SO good at it on a pillow (still working on a flat surface, which is scary since her legs are strong she tries to roll over all the time), and she is getting very close and purposely grabbing toys when she wants them...but only on her activity mats. If we hold a toy in front of her she couldn't care less about it.
  • We would go on walks to the mailbox as often as possible and on days I did my workouts I usually got my goal, but this one could still be worked on a bit more.
  • We figured out how she sleeps and naps, but since I've been back to work it's shifted and so we need to stay patient with that stuff.
  • She's definitely a smiley baby still! Those are still my favorite moments with her. I miss seeing her smile and playing with her during the day.

Goals for next month:
  • Figure out a good nighttime feeding schedule. Larry always wants to resort to the binkie before giving in and feeding her to see if she'll sleep. I'm feeling anxious about introducing more binkie time (I REALLY don't want it to be a hassle when we get rid of that thing). The cats have been waking her up earlier in the mornings too, so we need to get that to stop.
  • Adjust to both of us working. It's been hard not being able to play with her as much. I have to remind myself almost hourly why this is okay. Mom guilt is real!
  • Get ready for her to be 4 months (we were given the go-ahead for solids at 4 months by her pediatrician so I'm REALLY excited for that!)
  • DON'T skip out on workouts...turns out that makes me VERY emotional. So I need to keep up with that (though to be fair, I only skipped once because I didn't feel like it. The other times were for other reasons like plans came up)

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