
Aug 12, 2017

Cascade Springs

So Marie (Larry's mom) sent a text over and invited us to meet up with them to do a picnic up a canyon one of these weekends. I thought it sounded like so much fun and was hopeful that Cara would love doing a picnic (even though it was a little different than I imagined).

When we found a weekend that worked for all 4 of us she recommended going up to Cascade Springs. I had never been, but the pictures online made it look really pretty. She was even kind enough to bring up basically all the food too (we brought chips, but she got us Subway, fruits/veggies, drinks, and chocolate chip pumpkin cookies...because she's thoughtful like that).

The food was so good (I'm LOVING Subway these days) and once we finished we re-applied sunscreen/bug spray and walked around the trails. Even though it was Cara's nap time Larry decided to carry her in the carrier (it was paved enough that we could've kept her in the car seat and stroller) and even though I expected her to throw a fit, she seemed to love looking at the nature that was around her. I LOVE that!

She loved looking at the trees and she seemed like she wanted to touch some of them (she's still working on grabbing stuff she sees) and I loved seeing her experience all of this around her and see her get so curious about the things around her. As a bonus she even smiled a ton at Marie (she's such a happy baby)! I also got some really good shots of the trail and bridges we went over. It was a nice, peaceful walk, I'm so glad she recommended it. I can't wait to take Cara back up one day when she's a little older and can walk on her own.

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