
Feb 17, 2018

Concealed Carriers Permit Classes: Check!

So this seems like a silly thing to blog about, but I'm SO excited to say we've FINALLY taken the plunge and taken our Concealed Carriers Permit classes this year! This has been something I've wanted to get done for SO long, but we've always put it off for some reason or another. So back in December we got an ad-type thing from the Legacy Center (Lehi's Rec Center) and it had the classes in it so I finally decided enough was enough and scheduled us to get this done. Since we had the baby and I wasn't sure we could get a babysitter I scheduled Larry's for January and then mine for today.

I will say having to get up early sucked, but getting a 3 day weekend means I get a do-over sleep in day so it evens out in the end. Larry had told me a bit about the class so I didn't feel I was in for any surprises, but I do have to say I actually was surprised at how small my class was (Larry said his had 20 people, mine only had 6) and with nice the instructor was. He was a BIG guy (not necessarily fat, but what I call a boulder person, just all over big, you wouldn't want to mess with him). He was very informative and helped me see that I definitely did a lot that needs work on when it comes to my standing position, how I hold the gun, etc. when I shoot.

It was really cool learning the laws and seeing all sorts of videos he had to show examples of when it was okay to use a gun for defense and all the holsters! I honestly can't wait to practice all the things he showed us (removing a gun from a holster, how to hold it, how to breath, etc. etc.) and having our kids involved in this (yes we're going to include our kids with shooting, handling, and cleaning our guns, but they WILL be locked up). I wish we would've gotten this class done sooner. The guy even sent in our applications for us so now we just play the waiting game and watch our mail closely. I cannot wait to finally get our permits in the mail and be able to have that officially checked off the list - sorry I didn't take pictures, but that's probably obvious, but enjoy the google pics here for the fun of it!

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