
Apr 17, 2019

New Obsession

I've recently discovered a new trend on YouTube: #CleanWithMe

It's been so nice because I've been in an extreme purging-the-home mood and wanting to clean out every nook and cranny of our home. I wouldn't say I want to go minimalist, but I definitely don't want to hold onto anything we don't need or will use. I have to say it's been nice to get into this mood again, I haven't felt this motivated to clean since before out trip to Georgia (when I was feeling the nesting bug REAL bad).

I feel I've been able to balance my work/personal/parenthood lives really well so far, but if there is one thing that's really fallen to the wayside it's been house cleaning. we tidy up, we clean up spills and animal/kid messes when they happen, we spray Febreze if people are coming over, we do enough for our home, but it's not how I'd like it. There is plenty more that could be done. I have done nothing but watch these cleaning videos for two days (while at work) and they have me more motivated than anything that I can fit this into my balancing act.

Wish me luck! Now that I'm in this mood I'm wondering - is it too crazy to want a whole new home to get a clean slate and really do this right? HAHA!

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