
Sep 19, 2019

Gwen is TEN Months

I am TEN months old!

I like: Being tickled, being held, crawling around, Mom (she's a big momma's girl), dancing, being scared, and food

I dislike: Falling, being ignored, poopy diapers

I am now: No checkup this month, but she's in 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers. She's getting close to the ends of these though so I won't be surprised if she's in 12 month clothes before she gets to that age and size 4 diapers within the next month. She's growing so much!

A Typical Day looks like:

7:30) Get out of the crib while mom picks out clothes for the day (though she's been waking up earlier and earlier - I think because of teething - but I don't go get her until 7:30).
7:30 to 8) Breakfast time (whole container of fruit flavored baby food & 4-5 oz bottle of formula). Then I change her diaper and put her outfit next to her for L to dress her in once she finishes her bottle (I get Cara all ready while she eats and then leave right after that).
8 to 10)  Hang out, wiggle, crawl, explore, whatever.
10 to 10:30 ish) Nap time (IF mom is home - dad tends to skip this on
10:30 to 11:30) Hang out, wiggle, crawl, explore, whatever :)
11:30 to 12:30) Diaper change, eat an 8 ounce bottle, and more wiggle and giggle time. If she gets cranky we'll give her puffs or part of a pouch to hold her over.
12:30 to 2:30) Nap time. If she gets up early then she hangs out until her next feeding.
2:30 to 4) Diaper change, eat 7 oz bottle (at 3), wiggle and giggle time, go downstairs while dad works out, and then she'll end up going down for another nap.
4-5 ish) She naps while L showers and C watches a movie
5-5:45) Hang out with Larry and Cara until I get home
5:45-6) Dinner time! She gets a full thing of food (usually a veggie or meat flavored one) and we all talk and visit while eating..
6-7:45) Family time! We go outside if it's nice weather, if it's not we stay inside and just hang out (usually teaching Cara some flash cards and letting Gwen wiggle and giggle or play in the walker/activity table). Around 7 I tend to give her a teether crip thing and we start our nightly show. Around 7:20 she gets her last bottle of the night (usually 6 oz of formula).
7:45) Get ready for bed. We let Gwen now crawl up the stairs to help tire her out and she seems to love it. And, as usual, we do a bath on Sundays and Thursdays (starting at 7:35 since we do both girls). Both girls are down by 8
This Month I: Got a lot more teeth, explored more, grew more, and just became overall more fun!

My parents finally got me a new car seat since I was getting too big for the other one. The new one is more roomy and more cushioned so I've been happier being in the car and I tend to fall asleep for naps in the carseat quicker.

Parent's Notes: Gwen gets more fun and smiley each and every month. She's getting such a fun personality that I just can't get enough of and I love her smiles and laughs and what makes her happy. I'm so glad she's crawling and more mobile, but she does get very clingy to me. We also found if she's crying and we walk away she will SCREAM bloody murder! She lov
es to eat and get snacks all day long and gets hangry quite a bit still.

She also is getting to the point where she doesn't want her baby food and would rather feed herself so we've been giving her bites of our food (with cheerios) to feed herself. I also like to give her the spoon from her baby food (for breakfast) with the last bite and she'll feed that to herself too. Sometimes I think she'll be super independent, but then other moments of the day she seems to crave being held by me. I will say I love that as Cara was a lot more independent and an explorer so I take all the baby cuddles.

We did have a moment this month (on the 15th) where she woke up screaming and crying. I knew it couldn't be teething pains because she didn't have any real new ones coming, but she did end up throwing up on me on that Monday night so I think she had a little bug (poor girl).

We're heading on another road this weekend up to Washington and Montana so hopefully we learned enough during our San Diego trip to make this one go smoothly. It's going to be more time on the road, but hopefully with her new car seat it's more comfortable for both girls.

Update on last month's goals:
  • Work on walking: She's getting so used to her walker and she's starting to test out letting go of what she's holding onto to reach for something nearby so we're getting closer!
  • Add more solids/different foods: Gwen has become such a good feeder. She'll eat everything we've given her so far. Now that she'd rather feed herself she's moving off of baby foods.
  • Start brushing teeth

Goals for next month:
  • Work on walking more
  • Enjoy another road trip with her
  • Introduce her to football season
  • Introduce her to Halloween movies/shows
  • Get ready for her FIRST birthday!!

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