
Sep 20, 2019

Summer Activities Recap

We've had a great summer this year! It's been very busy and I wanted to just do a general recap of what we've been up to :)

July 27th:
we took girls to Tracy Aviary as a fun afternoon trip. I'm not sure what it is about this place, but I absolutely love coming to visit. I never came as a kid, so maybe that's why? But it's such a fun place to let the girls run around and see all sorts of animals. Cara had SO much fun feeding the ducks, she actually was able to get pretty close to them. She also loved just wandering around all the different areas, it was hard to get her to stay in one spot for too long.

She had just learned what owls say before our trip so I thought the owl area would be her absolute favorite, but she only wanted to play in the treehouses they had there. We couldn't get her to come down to see the owls for anything!

August 17th:
We decided to take the girls to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens. I thought it would be fun to let them run around in the grassy areas and see and smell the flowers...and who doesn't love the waterfalls?

We had a lot of fun feeding the fish, the girls loved watching the fish squirm around in the water. One thing I was really proud of was how well Cara did with staying with us and not running too far off. She was obsessed with touching all the water parts too, which was trouble when we finally did get to the waterfall area, we had to keep a very close eye on her at that point.

I always love the Secret Garden and Italian bath area, so it was fun to show that off to the girls. They seemed to like those spots as well. I almost forgot we could go see the waterfalls from the top so when I did remember I told Larry we HAD to go out that way to show the girls. We ended up getting a cute family pic and Cara seemed to like being on the top and seeing all the water spots. We're still debating if we're going to be updating our membership so it was nice to get one last visit in. To be clear, we've loved having the membership, but with talks of possibly moving out of state we just don't want to spend the money if we won't be in Utah for another year.

This wasn't from the Gardens - it was the Curiosity Museum
It was too cute to note share haha
We've also been spending lots of nights at the neighborhood playground. This has been a great addition to spend nights at after dinner. Cara is getting really good at climbing the rock wall, she's always been such a daredevil! She is a playground queen, but the only problem is she throws HUGE monster fits when we have to leave, so that's the only part I dread. But I do like that she likes going so that's a plus.

September 14th:
We decided to go visit Kangaroo Zoo. We were scouting it out as a possibility for Gwen's first birthday party, so it was a win-win for us. The girls had tons of fun jumping around and even enjoyed playing in their mini arcade...even without tokens haha.

I was so surprised to see Cara climb the really big slides and she had a blast with them! It was so funny to see the slight moment of terror as she'd go down the slide, but it would  quickly turn to smiles and laughter. She was having so much fun she'd just go from one slide or jump house to the next, there was no keeping her still there. It was so awesome to see her have so much fun.

We've also been working as much as we can on our yard. Larry's been busting his butt on getting the edging in. It's really coming along.

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